Kings & Queens

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Dylan version
Tonight is the first night out. No kids, not worrying about work, not worrying about the drama. Tonight Gerald and I are going to the charity event for one of his good friend Anthony Russo in LA. We took a flight to LA two days before the event and stayed at Gerald's house in the Hills.

I went to the room to unpack. I checked my phone to text ma that we arrived and to kiss the kids goodnight for us. Gerald came in "Hey I was wondering if you wanna go to dinner?"
"yeah sure." I get my phone "just us or your friends are coming with us?"
"Nah just us." We walked out of the room. He turns on his Mustang. "Maybe we take it old school."
I smiled at him "why not? it should be the best time." I get in his mustang "I know why you love your car a lot."
"Hey, I love you more, the same love I have for my car." He kisses my cheek. "We should go to the place where I took you out to dinner."
"Which one? You took me to mostly all restaurants in LA."
"You don't remember?" He looked at me like if I knew the answer "the very first one I took you to."
"Ger, I actually don't remember." I giggled a little "I think I know which one are you talking about, is it the one near where you did your meet and greet or in Hollywood?"
"Maybe it's one of those two." We drove away. I think it's the first place that Gerald is talking about. "Good thing we have reservations tonight. In case we're late."
"Reservations to where?" Okay he's actually not kidding "where did your craziness ass went before we arrived to LA?"
"I have my ways. And I know people who can help me." We drove past from Hollywood blvd going to Melrose District. For some reason it looked familiar to me "you know where we are."
"Is it the same restaurant you took me the first time? Our first date?"
"Yeah. Now we gotta find parking cause I don't trust anyone with my car."
"You really love your car." I laughed "I know what you're going to say." We found parking in front of the restaurant. No paparazzi were there to take any photos of us.

We walked in the restaurant. The waiter seen us. "Hello welcome to the finest restaurant out here in Melrose. Do you have reservation here with us." He was so thrill. Maybe since he knows us or that's part of his job.
"Yes, under Gerald Gillum for two. And I asked for the best wine and a private booth so we can just be together and no distractions with the media tonight." Gerald told him. He sees his friend Anthony Russo and his date on one of the private booths "guessing we're not the only ones here dining tonight." He looks at me
"Okay why don't you both follow me and I'll take you to your table."
"Hold on. Is he in the private booth or in the dining area?" He stops the waiter "I'm just asking since I'm his friend"
"Oh mr Russo. He asked to be in the dinning area with his date but if you want to greet him before I take you to your table."
"Yeah sure." He grabs my hand and we followed the waiter.
We walked to the table where Gerald's friend was sitting at. "Sir, I brought you some guest who wanted to greet you if it's alright with you." The waiter asked Anthony.
"Yeah it's cool since I know them." He gets up and hugs Gerald "what's up dude. I didn't know you were coming here tonight."
"You know I had to take my lady to dinner." Gerald says it with a smile "Anthony this is my wife Dylan. Dylan this is Anthony Russo. My other little brother who I help to be part of the music industry. And this is the one I took him to tour."
I shake his hand "it's really nice to meet you Anthony. Gerald has been talking about you how much you grew."
"Oh it's finally nice to meet you. Honestly Gerald hasn't stopped talking about you. And it's an honor that you both came all away from Oakland to be part of my charity work. Truly honored." He hugged me. It looked way cute how Anthony looks up to Gerald. That's how the kids look up to him "this charity event is going to work. I have hope. But tell me about you guys. What has happened between you two?"
"So we got married, have four wonderful kids." Gerald responded "you know finishing the album, being a dad at home and being the best husband for my wife." Okay I had to giggle. Gerald kisses my cheek
"Here's a photo of the kids." Anthony was speechless when he seen the kids. Gerald hugs me
"Oh my god. Your daughter has the same resemblance as both of you. The baby looks a lot like G. One of the twins has the resemblance of Dylan and the other one looks a lot like you G. Bro you were blessed with beautiful kids." He gives a fist bump "so when's baby no.5 coming? I'm kidding G. I'm so happy for both of you guys."
"Umm maybe within a year or couple moths." I gave a stare to Gerald "we don't know actually but hopefully soon."
"Man I wish I can meet them." Anthony was getting baby fever.
"Maybe when you're in Oakland you can stay over and meet them." Gerald suggested "and you can bring your date."
"She's actually my girlfriend. You met her on tour."
"Oh yeah. We should get going but we'll see you tomorrow for the charity event."
"Yeah yeah you have a great dinner and I'll see you both tomorrow. And it was nice to meet you Dylan." He hugs us. Gerald and I follow the waiter to the private booth. He served us wine. That was the best night.

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