Beatin In Sweden

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Matt version
It happened. It happened so fast. One minute Gerald was giving out a great show and another minute he was arrested.

Before the incident
Gerald was finishing getting prepared for his concert. He was FaceTiming Dylan. Yup everyday, every time. Now that he's a dad, it's impossible to be away to your kid. Especially him right now, him and his wife. I never seen him smile that way.

I went inside to the dressing room. He was still talking with Dylan. He was begging her to meet us up at Norway or Berlin. She laughed all the time when he begged. I knocked on his door when I actually mid way open it. "G? You ready? Oh hi Dylan!" I waved at her. She laughed.
"Hey Matt! How's tour?"
"Great but right now I need your man."
"Oh okay, well sorry for taking my man away from you. And it's great to see you Matt."
"Same to you Dylan. Later."
"Bye Babe. Kiss Suzanne for me and tell ma and James I said hi." He says then hangs up "what a nice conversation I had. Again."
"Yeah I know. You and Dylan don't stop texting, calling each other even when both say it's a but dial or something you both make up."
"Yeah, it's going to be two long fucking months with her and my daughter."
"But aye look at the bright side, when you end the European tour you both will get married and tour again but this time together for the Endless Summer Tour."
"Oh yeah, almost forgot about that. Thanks Matt. And hey after the show let's go celebrate at a club. Drinks are on me."
"You really wanna do that? You're a father you know."
"Yeah I know but sometimes I gotta have fun. And I'm responsible okay dad."
"Okay damn. Bring down the attitude and go cause we have a sold out show." Gerald left the dressing room and made his way to the stage.

After the show, Gerald went to the dressing room to change. I walked in the room. He was smiling and laughing. The photos and videos that Dylan sent to him. "Man I do miss Dylan and Suzanne." He seen me walking in from the mirror. "I know you and the guys be staring at me all the time."
"Yeah cause you can be away from your phone for at least a second."
"Dude, I all ready feel guilty for leaving them behind while im here."
"Yes here doing what you like, to entertain fans. She understands that well and she promised."
"Yeah you're right. Imma change then we're out to the club to celebrate."
"Yeah. But you know you got a wife and kid back home."
"Yeah. I know dude. I won't be doing stupid shit behind my wife."

I left the room and give him time to change. He comes out in a different outfit. "Ready to go dude?"
"Yeah, let me just send a message to Dylan then we're out."
"Does she know you're going out to a club?"
"Yeah. She said to have fun but don't do stupid shit."
"She knows you well."

We left the arena, making our way to the club. Everything went well. Having a good time like we always do.

After the incident
Gerald was being escorted out with two policemen. The gang tried to get him before the policemen took him.

What I remember is us arriving to the club, Gerald was handing out drinks. People snapchating, instagramming, taking photos and recording basically having a good time.

I went to the other side where the gang were. Then I heard yells, and screams. The next thing I see someone getting beat. Next was cops arresting Gerald.

Blizzy comes running to me worried. "What are we going to do Matt? Should I call Dylan? Mama G? Tell me?!?"
"We should go find where are they taking Gerald, then we break it down to them."
Another cop car came to the club to investigate. The worse thing that the media will public this before we explain to Dylan. And Mama G.
"Yo Matt, look." He points out the paparazzi
"Fuck them Blizzy, let's go now." None of us knew how to talk in their language, good thing one cop understood what we were trying to say. Getting information know where is Gerald. We finally knew where did they took Gerald.

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