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Gerald version
I was in a dark place I couldn't see anything. I was by myself in that dark place. I opened my eyes. The sound of the monitor woke me up. I looked everywhere wondering how did I end up at the hospital. My mom was sitting asleep in the chair. The last thing I remember was Dylan laying in the floor.... Dylan? What happened to her? My mom woke up. "Gerald You're awake? I'll call the doctor." She gets up from the chair and opens the door.
"No. Mom! Stay." She closes the door "what am i doing here?"
"I'm sorry.. I should of stayed with them." She teared up.
"No ma, it's not your fault."
"I went to your house after you or Dylan didn't answer me. I seen cops, paramedics there. It was a mess. I seen Dylan...."
"Where's Dylan?! I need to see her." I get up from the bed. Then I sat back down "shit!" I seen under the sheets and the hospital robe many stitches on my stomach.
"You were stabbed there many times."
"How long was I here? Where's Dylan? James? Mia? Anthony?"
"Four days. Conscious. Mia is in recovery. James is at my house since the beating were bad, Anthony is with Dylan. He only has a broken arm and bruised eye. But you and Dylan were the most critical condition coming here."
"Where is she!? I need to go with her." Then we seen doctors and nurses running to the next room.
"Gerald stay here." My mom leaves my room. I carefully get up. Anthony walks in to my room. "Dude."
"Get the fuck out of my way or help me to be with Dylan." Then he moved aside. I was able to walk to Dylan room. I heard Dylan yelling. I walked in the room. "Sir you can't be in here." One doctor told me. "She will be okay. You should be in bed recovering."
"Gerald help me!!" Dylan cried.
"Okay everyone stop! Leave her alone." All the doctor stopped doing what they were doing. I felt dizzy at that point.

I woke up again in my bed. "Shit? What happened to me."
Anthony was there with me, waiting till I woke up. "You fainted because you lost a lot of blood. I guess you didn't know you cut yourself again where the stitches were."
"Dylan? Where is she?"
"She's asleep. The doctor gave her something to calm down. After she panicked when you fainted. Your mom is with her."
"I want to get the fuck out of here! Find Ashley and my daughter!"
"The police are already involved since they seen the security footage. And you should rest."
"Don't tell me what to fucking do. Go call a fucking doctor! I feel fine. I want to be with my wife!"
"Gerald I get it! Your in pain because Ashley and Lauren kidnapped you daughter but don't fucking talk to me like that. I know it was painful seeing you and Dylan there in the floor nearly to death. I got scared." He stops talking. "I'll get the doctor." He leaves my room.

Then the doctor comes in the room with Anthony. "I understand that you Mr Gillum want to be released soon."
"Well you're not well yet. And you have to stay here an recover."
"Well I don't care! Release me or I'm walking out of here with my wife!"
"Doctor, he will do it." Anthony told the doctor "I know him so well."
"Alright. You may go but don't do any thing physical that can hurt you."
"Yes doctor." He leaves the room. "Anthony get my clothes from the chair."
"The one from the accident because you don't have any other clothes."
"It doesn't matter." I went to the restroom to take off the hospital robe and change to the clothes. I walked out.
"What are you going to do now Gerald?"
"I'm going to stay with Dylan till she recovers then I'm hunting for Ashley and Lauren to get my daughter back safe and sound."
"You think it's the best idea to do?"
"I would die for my wife and daughter just to keep them safe."
"Okay Superman whatever you say." Anthony open the door and we wake out. I went to Dylan. She was asleep. Whatever the doctor put in to her to calm her down. "She's hasn't been feeling well. She cried every time she woke up. Doctor have to put shit loads of drugs to keep her calm but it ends up putting her to sleep."
"She doesn't deserve this. She shouldn't go through this at all." I sat down in the chair. "I'll stay here with her."
"Okay. I'll be swigging by to check on you." He was on the way to opening the door
"Wait" He stopped "hows Mia and my brother?"
"Mia is scared to leave the house, she has cuts and bruises in her face. I've been staying with her to keep her company but she fears to be alone when I come and visit you and Dylan. James is with your mom. His bruises have swelled down after coming to the hospital. But they're better. But your mom invites us to her home."
"Yeah. And thanks."
"No problem. How long are you staying here?"
"Until Dylan is release." He sits in the chair next to me "I don't know how long will it be but im staying here."
"I'm sorry I ever doubt you for being the bad person to Dylan. Now that I see it how much you care for her and Suzanne, I know you would do anything to keep them safe from anything."

An hour later Anthony left. And I stayed. The doctor came to check on Dylan and on me. Just because I'm released of bed rest I was still in the hospital fucked up. I got a chair next to the hospital bed so if Dylan would of wake up i would be there. She wakes up. She turns around to me. "Gerald."
I get up. "I'm right here baby. I'm here."
"I thought you..."
"No, I'm not dead. I'm okay. I just passed out because of lost blood." She teared up. I wiped it off her cheeks "hey don't cry." Then I teared up a little "shit, I didn't want to cry."
"It's okay. Sometimes it's good to cry." She wipes off the tears
"I will get her back here with us. It doesn't matter if I..."
She puts her two fingers in my lips "please don't talk about that. It scared me when you passed out like that in front of me."
"Promise but I will get her back."
"I know you will."
"I will be here till you get better."
"Okay." I kissed her head. "I love you so much Gerald."
"I love you too Dylan." She hugged me and we released the tears that we were holding back.

But A Dream Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora