Gerald Gillum Vs Anthony Trujillo

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Gerald version
One more show then going back home. Having Dylan and Suz here has been the best time. Very supportive with everything. One more show left and its the big day! I couldn't believe it. It feels so surreal. Me doing this. Marrying to the mother of my child, my love that I fell in love with since I met her. I never seen myself doing anything like this. Every time I see Dylan, I know I made the right decision. A mega successful rapper, a married man to a gorgeous woman who makes me happy and a father to an amazing babygirl. Life did grant me well in this year.

Tonight was the last night of the tour. It was a hella of a ride. It was good times and one bad times that won't ever happen again. For the last part of the tour I'd spend the most of my time with Dylan and Suz. I wanted it that. But I never knew it was going to ever happen to me.

I was getting ready for the last show. Dylan was in the dressing room getting dress on the last outfit of the tour. Blizzy, Matt and Grady were taking care of Suz, well basically arguing and play fighting of who's the better uncle to her. Then I walked to them. "No one here is better than me." Then I carried her from Grady "because I'm her daddy and I love her so much." Then I kiss her cheeks and blew raspberry on her cheeks. I sat down on the couch. I sat Suz on my lap. I got her favorite stuff animal to play with. Then Dylan walks out of the dressing room. She looked amazing like an angel that came down from heaven. I get up, she walked towards me. "How do I look?"
"You look amazingly beautiful. My wife looks amazing, beautiful, stunning."
"Oh Ger."
"Oh, a new name for me."
"What do you want me to call you then?"
"Yours forever." I was about to kiss her but Matt interrupted.
"I hate to stop this beautiful moment but we got a show and thousands of fans waiting here for a show." He gives me the mic "on in two" he walks away to backstage
"So this is it. Time to make this a good ending of the Beautiful And Damned tour."
"You mean the best." She answered with a smile
"You know me so well." I kissed her "I gotta go but can't wait to see you in the last song."

And we completed the whole Beautiful And Damned tour. From American countries to European countries. One of my favorite tours in my life. I am very thankful for each and every one who came to the concert. And now back to the Bay for our wedding then it's the Endless Summer Tour. One crazy summer that brings everyone together to have the epic times. Me and Dylan walked out from stage to backstage. I hand my arm around her. Smiling happy. I turned my face around and kissed her "you did amazing. I never been so proud of you to call you my love, babes or my king."
"I love you so much. I would call you anything but to me your my queen."
The whole crew had champagne and glass cups again but this one was to conclude one of the biggest tours in history. That time was for my birthday. "Where's Suz."
"Jess has her. They went to one of the dressing rooms and both fell asleep during the concert."
"Okay, I'll go see. Don't start without me." I went to my dressing room. Suz was sleeping in her crib, sound asleep. Jess was in the couch, dead asleep, snoring. Then I felt arms on my waist. I jumped a little bit. "Shit! Dylan you scared me."
"Sorry." She looks at Suz "aw, she's asleep. Just like you when you're sleeping."
"Come on they're waiting for us." So we left the room and the door a little open so we made sure when Suz wakes up me or Dylan would get her.

We went back to backstage. Matt opens the champagne and starts serving us champagne into our glasses and begins giving his speech. Which I heard him once in his room that one night when I went for take out. "Well this has an amazing ride and an amazing year for us. Most of us found love, our best friend, partner in crime. And we know who are we talking about." We laughed since he was talking about us "but this tour got us together more closer. Yes we had our ups and downs, did new experiences, went to different countries that was so fucking beautiful and hope we come back next year when Gerald release another album and did face the law when someone wanted to be a rebel. But anyway it was an amazing journey in this tour, and now we go back to the Bay for this great and amazing wedding of our best friend and our brother Gerald and his love Dylan. After the wedding we go again back to the road for the biggest and most epic shit in history under all Gerald's albums tour of the summer. The Endless Summer Tour."
"You mean after the honeymoon? Cause we're going to our honeymoon after the wedding."
"Yeah that's what i mean. So cheers."
We all said cheers and drank champagne "wow Matt. Good speech. Long and detailed but still good speech. So this what you'd practice the other night."
"Yeah and that's between us, no one has to know."

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