Back To The Bay Days

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Gerald version
Tour was fun and all but it was time to go back to the Bay Area. To relax and fix some misunderstanding with our house. We left right after the St. Louis show. Just for a few days a break with Dylan and Suz. During tour I've been working on new music for my next album. After this tour I'm going to have a break so I can have more time with my family.

We were in the airport. Waiting in tsa. Suz was crawling everywhere near us while Dylan was on my lap, playing with my hair. "You know I taught Suz something while we were in St. Louis."
"What was it?" She gets up from my lap and gets Suz. "Show me." She places Suz in her lap.
"Princess remember what I taught you the other day if a boy tries to come at you." She giggles.
"Ger, she's just a baby. What things are you showing her?" Dylan laughs "she's just eleven months."
"Almost a year old." I squat down. "Ready princess." I crawl to her "Suz I'm the boy." She gets up and carefully walks away from Dylan to the couch. "Good job princess." I get up from the floor. I pick her up and hug her, giving her kisses on the cheek.

After 14 hours in a plane, we arrived to the Bay. Ma was waiting for us at Gate 1. Dylan and Suz fell asleep through out the whole flight. I had more concentration working on the album. Ma seen us. We walked quickly to hug her. "I missed you guys." She looks at Suz "especially this cute one. How was the flight."
"Exhausting, worked a little bit more on the album."
"Me and Suz fell asleep during our flight. Tour must of drain us down." Dylan said
"Buts it's fun." I winced at her
"Gerald! Suz is right here." Ma says covering Suz ears. "And she's about to turn one soon."
"I know. My princess is growing up." We left the airport. "So ma, what's up with you and the house."
"I'm fine. Anthony has been coming by, giving me company, I go out with my friends sometimes. Bliss has been a good dog, helping me around the house. Still same old same old."
"Bliss and Suz will be happy to see each other." Dylan comments.
"Hasn't she said a word yet?"
"Nope ma. Not yet but I bet she's going to say dadda before mama."
Dylan looks at me "she won't because she will say mama."
"You're cute when you think your right wifey."
"Shut up Gerald." She pecks my lips. "Good to be back home." I grabbed her hand. Suz looks at me. Ma pulls up at the drive way. I open the car door. I get Suz out of her car seat.
"Somebody will be happy to see you." Ma said. She opens the door. Bliss starts jumping. "Bliss careful with them." Suz sees bliss. She pets her as Dylan sits down on the couch. "How long are you guys staying here?"
"Couple days before the next show. September 8th is the last show. In Miami."
"Are you guys going to do something for Suz birthday."
"Yeah we've talked about it and we were thinking to do something small just for close family and friends."
"Just something simple." Dylan said. Then we hear the door opening. It was Anthony. "Hi guys. I didn't know you guys were coming back so soon."
"We just need a break."
"How's the tour?"
"Fun. That's all."
"How's Mia? Is is she okay?"
"Yeah she's fine." Dylan said. Anthony is still heartbroken after knowing Mia choose James except for him. "And how are you Tony?"
"You know fine. Gerald I wanted to tell you about your house. The officers and investigators said it now okay to move in back since the case is finally closed. Ashley was plead guilty for kidnapping and holding hostage. You guys will have full on security."
"Thanks Anthony." I gave him a fist bump.
"Can I talk to you outside?"
"yeah sure." I looked at Dylan "I'll be back."
"Yeah don't worry I'll be here helping out with dinner." Anthony and I left outside in the front yard. At first it was quiet "so what's up that you need to talk to me."
"How can i move on after a serious relationship? Because I met this amazing girl. I don't mean that Mia isn't amazing but this one that I met she's.. I have no words to explain how I feel."
"You like this girl? How old is she?"
"Her name is Monroe Skye Mizman. She's the angels of all angels. I have a class with her in college. Both studying for English literature."
"Dude I think you already moved on. Now you know how I felt when I met Dylan that one night. Look at us, married with Suz."
"That's the kind of life I want. I thought it was gonna be with Mia but I think it's gonna be her. Monroe. You think it was too fast to ask her out."
"When did you?"
"Today like in class, well more likely at the park. She was shy both of us were shy but we talked a little more. Then that's when I asked her."
"Tonight. At the park."
"Don't tell me your going to do the same as me."
"Nah it's at this nice view of the whole Bay."
"Well good luck with that." I was about to walk inside.
"Do you have any advice for me?"
"Anthony just don't act like a douche to her. If you like her just be a gentleman to her."
"Thanks Gerald." He leaves. I walk back inside the house. Ma and Dylan were in the living room. I closed the door. "Everything okay?" Dylan asked
"Yeah." I sat down next to her. I haven't took Dylan to a date since we left to tour. "Get your jacket."
"Baby where are we going?"
"Is everything okay Gerald?" Ma asked
"Yeah it's just I haven't took my wife on a date." I look at Dylan "wanna go out on a date with me."
"Yes." She grabs her leather jacket "oh, can you.."
"Don't worry Suz will be fine. Go now have fun." She hugs my ma. Then I hug my ma.
"Thanks ma."

We were outside. I grabbed her hand. "So where are we going tonight baby." I had her close to me then hugged her.
"Somewhere that you will remember and I know you love."
"Surprise me baby." She kisses me. "It's a beautiful night to walk."
"yeah it is." We walked downtown Oakland. After a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant. There was hardly any people out especially the paparazzi. One last surprise for the night. "Remember this way."
"Yeah I do. I was three months pregnant with Suz, hanging out with the crew and we all decided to go to a theater but i was craving ice cream that night and we decided to go before watching the movie."
"Grady sunk on taking that photo of us. Best night because I was with my wife that night and my baby. Dylan I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to have more baby Gillums." She laughs "I just want you."
"Baby" she kisses me "I always love you and I want to spend my life with you. How many more kids?"
"Maybe like three or two more."
"Okay baby. Let's go catch this movie."
"More like back to the bay days."
"Yeah our bay days." We walked in to the theater. That was the perfect time of the memorable bay days.

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