Missin Your Love

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Gerald version
It very very hard to leave Dylan alone especially during her pregnancy. I want to take her but my mom is telling me she should stay home.

It's my last week to stay with in the bay before I leave to Seattle, the continuation of the tour. The gang wanted to party hard on that last night in the bay but I wanted to be with Dylan.

I arrived home from the store. "Baby?"
"Kitchen!" She answered. I walked in the kitchen, I see her cooking, I'll be missing that from her mostly the delicious home cooked meals she does. "Dinner is almost ready." She smiles. I sighed knowing it's to hard to leave her. "What's... G I'll be fine,"
"I know, I just wanted you to come with me."
"And I will soon, with our child. Soon the three of us, touring around the world." She grabs my hand to touch her stomach. I smile again knowing my baby was inside of her "I will be here waiting for you."
"Yeah. I'll come back before our baby is born."
"I know you will G."
"Tonight is us together, the two of us."
"You mean the three of us." She giggles.

The next morning I woke up early to finish packing. I see Dylan asleep in the bed. It'll be a while not seeing her. I sat down in the bed leaned to her, pressing a kiss to her lips. She wakes up. "Morning G"
"Morning babygirl."
"You're leaving today?"
"Um yeah, it's gonna be tough for us."
"It is. I'm really going to miss you. A lot."
"I know, but don't cry. I'll be calling you every day, each morning, each night, before and after my performances and rehearsals."
"Yeah baby girl." I kissed her lips. "Promise"
"I believe you." I heard the honks of the bus
"I gotta go now."
"Take care G, don't forget about us."
"I never will forget of my babygirl." I hugged her. I walked out of the room. I tried to hold the tears. I walked in the bus, the guys were staring at me. "I need some time alone." I went to the same bed when it was me and Dylan before. I cried because I missed her. I hated leaving her.  

It's already been a week of the tour, I miss a lot Dylan's love, laugh basically everything. After the show I straightly ran to the bus, I FaceTime Dylan.


"Hey babygirl!" 


"I missed you a lot like crazy much too."

"You know what was I going to say. How's tour?"

"Same but it feels lonely without you."

"Aw G. I know what it will make you feel better."


"This." She shows me a photo of the ultrasound "our baby."

"Oh my god. It's so tiny."

"I'm three months now. Yeah it's crazy but wonderful at the same time."

"Is it a girl or a boy?"

"I don't know yet, but you'll be the first one to know."

"Alright baby. You've been spending time alone at the house?"

"No, Mia and James come along or I stay at your ma's house sometimes. She's really excited about this."

"Yeah I know. Wait James and Mia together?? Like a couple??"

"Still as friends I think."

"You know what I miss most."


"Everything of you. Your love, your smile basically everything I fell in love since the first day."

"I miss you more G. And the baby."

"I already talked to Matt to give me some more day off from tour so I can be with you."


"What? I want to be with you."

"Oh G! But I love you."

"I love you more Mrs Gillium."

We ended our conversation. I felt happy to see her face, her voice, but mostly to know of our child. I want to stop this tour and be with her, the love of my life. Just two more months of tour then it's back to the bay.

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