Reality & Jealousy

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Dylan version
Coming back to the Bay was great at some point. The couple days I stayed home with Gerald to recover but knowing us, it was back to our normal lives.

Me, working as a minimum wage waitress at some restaurant and Gerald, touring all around the world, partying, and all the other things.

We said our goodbyes before leaving the airport.  I was quiet and thinking of many things. If I one day  get start my career where would that leave us? I looked at the ring that Gerald gave me, must cost a lot. But were we meant to be together? I not saying I don't love him. It's just the reality in life.

So many questions that I can't even answer myself.


I fell asleep the whole flight. Paparazzi were storming us. Asking Gerald questions if I was "the new girlfriend." He didn't respond. So this kinda answers one of my questions.

Matt picked us up from the airport. "So how was it?"
"It was some what interesting."
"Okay I guess."
"Can you drive us to Dylan's place first and back at my place."
"Maybe it's best if I order my uber driver or a taxi  instead of making you Matt all these turns."
"It's fine with me Dylan."

So there was no point of where the ring no more or actually being of "Mrs. Gillum." That hurt.

We arrived at my apartment. Same old same old. I got out of the car before Gerald and Matt did. I got my luggage and went to the building. I didn't say goodbye to either of them. I enter the elevator and seen Gerald running to me but the doors closed.

The elevator stopped at floor 14. I walked out of the elevator and passed some of my neighbors doors. I heard yelling, cries, many other noises. It's great to be back.

I heard Bliss's barks when I unlock the door. After I unlock it she was happy to see me. She was a lot bigger than when I left. I closed the door, locked it and went straight to my bed. I laid down tired. I once again see the ring. What was the use of wearing it? Was it even real to us?

I heard knocks on the door. "Dylan?" Speaking of the devil.
"Are you okay? You seem quiet on the way."
"I'm fine Mr. Gillum" I took of the ring, placing it with on the box that he gave me.
"Dylan? Come on what's wrong."
"It's nothing. I'm perfectly fine." It was a silence "thank you for the trip, I really appreciate it."
"Yeah, no problem Dylan."
"I'm not going to leave until we talk."
"What's there to talk about?"
"I know you Dylan, something is bugging you."
"I'm fine, really. I have to get some sleep."
"Alright if you say so. Bye Dylan. I love you"

I walked to the door, opened it, he was already gone.
Back to my normal life.


I was getting off of work, one of the other waitresses were looking for me. "Dylan?"
"Some tall guy is looking for you."
"I don't know, he didn't give us a name he just said he was looking for you." I walked to the front desk. Gerald was the only guy looking for me. "Hey!"
"Hi. Are you here by yourself to eat?"
"No I was waiting for you. I wanted to invite you to eat dinner."
"Jeez I would really love that but I'm working late tonight." Then one of the nosy manager came by.
"Actually we already have Sarah doing the night shift. You should go have fun, you're still young."
"Yeah thanks Nancy."
"Great I'll be waiting for you." Gerald said in a excitement way. He left to his car, like he said waiting for me.
"Thanks again Nancy."
"What did I do wrong? I gave you the night off."
"It's nothing actually."
"I see what's going on, you like him."
"Yup I can see it through your eyes."
"It's not that, it's just complicated between us."
"Sweetheart complicated is me and my husband almost filing for divorce. That what I see is not complicated."
"Me and him have different lives and..."
"It's nothing what you say Dylan. This guy cares for you. Tell you what tomorrow you have the day off and I'll put in your paycheck a sick day paid."
"You don't have to do that Nancy."
"Yes I do because a young beautiful, smart woman needs to have fun in life not working as a waitress for their rest of there life. Go on your man is waiting for you."
"Thank you." I left. I remember I had the ring in my bag. I put on the ring again on my finger.

Gerald opened the door for me. "So where do you want to go?"
"Wherever you want to go." He drove to this Italian bar and restaurant. A expensive and nice place. He already had a reservation.
"This place is amazing."
"You never been here before?"
"No, not really."
"Honestly it's a great place to be when you're with a very special someone."
I smiled. Then a blonde girl see us our table "G!"
He turned around when his name was called. Then she ran to him, giving him a hug. "Oh my god I missed you so much!"
"Ashley what are you doing here? I'm with someone right now!" She turns to me
"Oh my god, I'm sorry. My name is Ashley but you can call me Ash!"
"Nice to meet..." she cuts me off
"No way! So this is Dylan, the one who you've talking about all this time G!"
"You talked about me?" I asked Gerald
"Um when did I ever mention her, Ashley?"
"Don't you remember silly, the other time we were together! You're one lucky girl to be with his handsome. Me and Ger go way back! Isn't that right Ger!" She was messing up his hair as she had that annoying laugh.
"Can you please leave us alone, we're in a date right now."
"Yeah sure but I want to get to know her much better." She sat down on his lap.
"Um, maybe it's best I should get going now, it's getting kinda late and I have work tomorrow."
"Aw, that sucks." I get up from the chair
"Well enjoy the evening and thanks again Mr Gillum for the dinner." I walk away from them. I called for a taxi. "Dylan?" I turned around.
"I need to know now what's going on."
"Oh so this means that you've acting very strange lately around me since we came back from the bay."
"I swear it's nothing."
"Come on don't lie to me."
"Okay you want the truth."
"Yeah, I do"
"It's just this, what's going on it's different."
"What do you mean different?"
"Us. Like our life that we're living. Yeah it was great at the Bay because we didn't have there labels. Me as a waitress and you this mega successful rapper. Two different people with their own lives."
"So? That doesn't make me love you less."
"In reality, where does that leave us?"
"Are you saying because my ex was there with us?"
"No I mean yes. I don't know anymore." I sit down on the sidewalk. He sits down next to me "I still wear this ring because I still"
"Love me?"
"I gave you this ring because I love you. And it feels like your pushing me away."
"I thought you were pushing me away."
"No I'm not. The reason I'm with because you're different than others and that what I love about you."
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be. I get it. All this."
"You do?"
"Yeah. The reason why I invited you to dinner because I wanted to ask you something."
"Good or bad?"
"Good." He smirked
"Okay what is it."
"Do you want to tour with me? Visit different places? I can't live without you, after our first trip together to the bay, I knew us was meant to be together."
"So all this was to..."
"Yeah except for Ashley. She wasn't on the list. So?"
I thought about of a while. This is what we need, to talk things through. "Yeah I do want to tour with you G"
"Okay my little jealous babe."
"Don't call me that." I laughed a little
"You were jealous."
"No I wasn't."
"Okay if you say so."
"Shut up." I kissed his lips. "I did miss that from us."
"Yeah me to."
"I should go now."
"And leave me here?"
"You wanna hangout before we leave to tour?"
"Yeah I would love that."

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