Him & I

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okay just think it's Dylan's and Gerald's new version with this one

Gerald version
I'm in the studio recording. I was looking on the back of one of my last albums. I seen one song wasn't featured with Dylan but from my ex. I walked out of the studio. Dylan was in the office house. "Can you come with me in the studio?"
"Yeah. For what." She gets up from her chair and follows me back to the studio "what's going on ger? Is it something that your dealing with?"
"No it's none of that." I grabbed the album "I just remembered when we started dating you sang the song 'Him & I' through out my album and you're not featured on it but my last album that I released."
"Baby it's okay." She sits down on the chair next to me "you don't have to worry."
"I know but it's the last time we sing this song and I wanna make it memorable."
"Don't worry about it. We can still do it."
"Just stay here and I'll fix it to make it ours."
"Okay" she kisses me "I'll be here." I worked on the song but changed it to a different version. I asked her what or how does she wants her version.
"Okay done." She reads it "do you like it?"
"I loved it. You actually wrote this?"
"Yeah since we've been together now for six years."
"I love it ger." She kisses me "last time we'll ever perform this. And you want to make it so memorable."

It's the night of the performance. I was backstage. Dylan was walking to me. She grabbed my hand. I looked at her and smiled. "Ready for this?"
"Yeah. Just wait out here." I walked out to the stage where the fans were "alright, everyone know the first version of this song but I was going through some shit before. I want everyone here, right now live in the bay, live on every social media platform to watch this performance of all time. And y'all can love that one but I worked with my wife on this version and I hope you love this version." The crowd cheered loud "I need everyone to be loud for my wife cause this will be the last time we will sing this song. Dylan baby." She walks out to the stage dressed like me. Black on black. "Ready wifey."
"Let's do it." She walks to me and kisses me. We sang the song. The crowd was going loud.
"I hope you guys like it a lot as much. this is our last time performing this song in public. Thank you good night." We finished the show. Dylan and myself walking out of the stage. I was hugging her. I twirled her then completely hugged her. I left her lips touched mine. She smiles "I love you to."
"You do but I have much love for you. We should get going to see our kids."
"Let's go then." We get in the car and drove away.

We've been through so much in the last years and I knew this was the perfect reason why we should do this.

I wanted to do this with someone special when I find her and I did. I found my wife and I did this moment with her.

Thank you Dylan for believing in me.

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