Overprotective Fathers

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Mia version
This is going to be very interesting. Since Milan is the only girl in our family James can be overprotective of her. It's like how Anthony told the story of him and Dylan when they were growing up. And I was there when it happened. I can remember everything. But this one is cute and funny. I was in my office doing my numbers and helping Dylan. James came back from picking up Milan from school. His face was more like scared then happy like usual. "What happened today at school?"
"Milan has a boyfriend.. she told me today."
"What? No that can't be possible. What did you see today?" I get up from my chair and he sits down on the couch.
"I was in the gate where all the parents were standing right and I was waiting for her class and I see her smiling with Alice and there's these two boys beside them. Then the boy hugs her. I asked Milan and she says he's my boyfriend."
"James sweetheart I think you're confusing yourself. What she meant to say that's a boy and he's only his friend not that two combined. I know she's your little girl. She's our only girl."
"So I tell her she can't be friends with him?"
"No james calm down, they're just friends okay. You relax. It gave you like a scared."
"Yeah it did. She's too little and I don't know what happens in school." Milan walks in "Milan who is that boy? The one he hugged you?"
"Daddy he's my friend Issac. We all hang out as a group with me, him, Alice, Javi, Audrey, Hayden and Ashton in recess." She told him "it's okay we're all friends."
"Okay so where was Hayden and Ashton? And Audrey?"
"Uncle G went there first. Hayden's class left early then Ashton's class. Uncle Matt was waiting for Audrey still with uncle Anthony." Okay at least James calmed down "don't worry daddy I'm still your little girl." She hugs James.
"Yes princess. You go do your homework with your cousins at the room. I'll be there in a sec." Milan leaves. "Okay that's one covered from the story."
"What do you mean James?"
"Tony was the one freaking out coming and at the school. I had to calm him down but I was a bit like him."
"No James you were like him but here. Oh god I hope Monroe calms him down." Okay that's one of the fathers calmed.

I wish good luck with Monroe.

Monroe version
Okay so this one man that I love so much drives me crazy sometimes. As you all know I have parents who are somewhat know in the media but I'm not mentioning anything but if you know who then congrats. Growing up I've been living with crazy people such as my father eh sometimes my mother maybe grandma marjo, grandma Barbara was fine since she knows who is my father and the kind of person but my grandpa George the same thing as my father. If you ask my sister she would say the same thing.

So it was just me and my sister growing up. We did have a good childhood not going to lie. But that's where all the craziness goes. But when we both hit the years of high school teens that's where my dad became overprotective with us. So he didn't let us date anyone.

I went to my prom but my dad had to chaperone at my prom so he could see that no guy comes close to me. My first boyfriend wasn't until I met Tony. He's sweet, charming, his hair mostly his personality ooh. My dad didn't like him at first. My mom did. She said I got lucky with getting an Italian American boyfriend and maybe my husband. Okay that triggered my dad. So tony had to pass some test to stay in the family. It was ridiculous but it had to prove my dad well. One of his test was the loyalty and his true love for me while he had a leave tree tony had to carry in his back holding with his arms. He passed it. Not then a couple months of dating we both decided to get married which my dad flipped off. I had to explain that I was ready to do my own choices. You know my mom and my grandparents were happy even my little sister. But then it didn't went so smoothly.

Before and after the wedding tony or my dad didn't get along that well. After our first baby who was a girl and we named her Alice that's when they both got along. And that's where my dad told him all about parenthood and to be overprotective father 101. Great. A year later we had our son Jax which made it more like a celebration. Okay everything was getting better. That's when tony and my dad got along and being doing crazy stuff in the house. Literally if I was reliving when I was a baby.

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