She Won't Think the Same

Start from the beginning

Natsu grew a tick mark, "Gee, you act just like Mira." He thought, not wanting to say out loud as she wishes to not be as raging as her sister, however, it was too late if he really thought about it.

However, the sound of the door creaking and opening interrupted their conversation. They both looked back as to only make eye contact with a specific blonde and twinkling brunette irises.

"Hey, do you guys happen to know where Lev--" She glanced at Natsu who was sitting oddly close to Lisanna. "Or I can just go if you wish." She let out a sly smirk, but deep inside, she knew it drove her crazy.

"Oh no!" Lisanna exclaimed, wavering her arms around hoping to make sure Lucy didn't get the wrong idea. "It's not like that!"

"Okay. . ." Lucy wondered off confusingly. She shook her head. "Did Levy leave already?"

Lisanna shook her head, "No, she left with Gajeel twenty minutes ago."

Lucy sighed, "Okay, thanks. And um, have fun with whatever's going on." And with that, Lucy swiftly left the guildhall leaving the two.

Natsu broke the silence, "Lucy probably thinks I ditched her to go date you!" He shook Lisanna panicky.

Lisanna shushed him, "Hey, chill out. It's fine, we can meet up tomorrow and then I can teach you how to ask her out and make sparks fly between you two. Okay?"

Natsu calmly nodded "Okay", however, he shook her again as she exclaimed in surprise. He panicked, "But I'm staying at her place tonight!"

Lisanna gave an uncertain face, "Why?!"

"Happy wanted to!"

Lisanna helped him breathe calmly, "You know what? It's okay. This way you two can bond, y' know? When she's sleeping, you can hug her when's sleep and help her know that she is safe."

Natsu nodded, "Will do!"

The following night, Natsu glanced at the blonde as she slept. If he had to speak for himself, she slept beautifully despite how her hair was a mess and she hogged more than half the blanket, he was fine with that and he found it as another thing that he loved about her.

He jumped the bed and softly laid behind her, making sure Happy was asleep to avoid any teasing the next day. He was new to this and wasn't particularly aware of what to do but Lisanna made it sound simple so it can't be that bad, right?

He softly embraced her in his warm arms and stood there for a good minute before resting his chin in the crook of her neck then her actually accepting it in return. With this result, he overjoyed as he held her just a bit tighter.

She then bent her knees and leaned back, still of course, asleep.

"This is awesome," Natsu muttered as he snuggled closer.

As the next day arrived, Natsu came bursting through the doors and arrived in front of Lisanna who gave a questioning brow. "I left before she woke up!"

"Okay, good, now ask her out." Lisanna simply retorted.


Lisanna gestured to the blonde walking in now. "Go ask her out. You seem ready."

"But! But I didn't even practice!"

"You'll live. Now go, I'll be watching~"

Natsu took in a heavy breath and nooses hesitantly. He swiftly came to Lucy's side and grinned brightly.

"Hey Natsu!" Lucy said sweetly with the small turn of her neck.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Natsu said with a tad of nervousness in his trill.

Lucy sternly placed her hands on her hips, "Shoot."

Nervousness was one of his weaknesses. It never ended well when he was nervous and if he had to be honest, he had no idea of what Lisanna meant that he could do this. It wasn't like Gajeel and Levy were they were right off the bat dating. No, this was something new and different to Natsu.

Now, this was his time, "Can I have your bed?!"

Lucy stood silent, confused, Lisanna banged her head on the table and for some reason, Mira broke a glass cup.

Lisanna was on the verge of raging. She knows Natsu can do this. But she supposed that this is his unique way of asking someone out.

"Um, what do you mean?" Lucy questioned in pure confusion.

"Even just one night!" Natsu pleased with her, ready to go on his knees and beg.

Lisanna gave up and cupped her mouth, "Just say yes!" She shouted.

Lucy furrowed a brow, glancing at Lisanna than back at Natsu. "Natsu, you don't need my consent to date Lisanna." Lucy faked a giggle.

Natsu grew a tick mark, "I'm not asking for that."

Lucy tilted her head in question, "Then what are you asking if it's not my consent and possibly my bed?"

"I want to own you!" He exclaimed.

At this point, Lisanna was rapidly banging her head against the table as Wendy questioned her health.

Lucy pondered for a small minute, trying to comprehend what he was trying to say. She breathed, "Okay, whatever!" She than got on her knees, used her palms to pull his neck down and quickly slammed her lips against his for a good minute. For the small time they had, she steadily moved with his lips as Lisanna snickered in the background. After that moment, they parted apart and gave off a sly grin before walking off. 

As for Natsu, he stood there completely still, a strong blush painted across his once tanned cheeks. He pointed to the direction she went and glanced at Lisanna with a gapped mouth.

"Did she just-"

"Yes she did." Lisanna giggled.

"She just- She- I-"

"Go after her." Lisanna continued to giggle. 

"Do I?"

"No, you just stay there like the love of your life absolutely did not kiss you. Of course you go after her now go Natsu!"  Lisanna shouted causing Natsu to quickly take off on his feet.

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