You're Safe

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Hello everyone!!

For this one-shot, it is going to be a bit deeper than normal and hopefully more detailed. For some reason, I realized a lot of people tend to not put as much detail on what anxiety can do to a person (especially since the numbers are only increasing and all) and I felt it was necessary to just include this chapter. Please remember everyone is different and this does not apply to everyone!

Also, I'm so sorry for all the angst lately! But I do hope you all enjoy this new one-shot!!

‼️ TW: Anxiety/Anxiety Attacks, Self-harm

(Natsu and Lucy are already dating)

For a while, actually, the blonde had been feeling quite anxious. The constant random pounding of her heart, ringing within her ears seemed to always be there and just by hearing it caused her chest to hurt. However, she pushed it to the side, assuming it would just pass like anything else.

The other day at the guild, the couple hanged out together with the team, seeing how they had decided to take a small break and relax. Well, Natsu seemingly didn't want to as he would attempt to pick a fight every five seconds and Lucy would have to calm him down to avoid from destroying the guild as they had just rebuilt it from the last battle.

Lucy couldn't pinpoint an exact moment, but it was somewhere along the lines of sudden yells and repetitive back-and-forth shouting. She was used to it. This happened on the daily. But for some reason, it caused her heart to jump and pound harder against her chest. It was such a sudden feeling and just hearing it's ring inside her ears, she could barely even catch her breath. It was almost as if she was trapped and pinned in a corner. Her breath was shortened and quick, and hearing her own breath made her even more anxious. So, as a result, she placed her hand on her chest and slowly got up, hoping that no one will see her get up as they all seemed so invested into the argument that of which her boyfriend was hysterically laughing at.

So, she got up to her feet and discreetly moved alongside the walls and up the guild stairs, taking small steps while panting, trying her hardest to catch her breath, however, it seemed no matter how hard she tried, her chest tightened and her lungs closed in on her. It was a burning-like sensation that seemed to be the most unlikely to scare her, but it certainly did. Her palms were sweating and she hadn't even noticed that her hands were shaking too. Especially the hand rested on her chest. Her breath was shaky as well and she hesitated to even catch her breath.

She glanced around nervously in the hallway she was now in.

No one seemed to be nearby.

She took this chance and rushed into the nearest closet and shut the door behind her. She kept the lights off and walked into the corner of the room that had a wall of supplies in front of it so she sat right behind it.

She then softly rested her head on the wall and tried to catch her breath once again but it just seemed to get worse and worse. It appeared that the more air she drew in, the tighter her chest was, the harder her heart pounded, and the more her lungs stung with burning air.

To help relieve the growing tension in her hands, she then resulted to rapidly shaking her hands, hoping it would wear off but instead, it seemed her uneasiness only grew. And eventually, it came to a point where she took off her left sleeve and attempted to even lightly scratch her arm back and forth to focus on the pain more then her own mental state. And with high hopes that it would work, she sat there, on the verge of tears, shaking in a cold corner.


The glimpse of blonde hair in the corner of Natsu's hair caught his attention as he noticed his girlfriend ambling up the guild stairs. This was strange to him as normally, she would let him know where she was going. Even if it was just for water. So, of course, he grew curious and the argument happening before him was no longer his focus.

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