It will never work 2 - Remy x Emile

Start from the beginning

Emile shuffled closer, wrapping both arms around his friend, pulling them close to comfort them as they cried. "Keep crying" Emile murmured, "let it all out..." he encouraged, allowing Remy to rant and rant about them, not even their siblings would look at them - was it such a crime they weren't put into Gryffindor?

"And-and if they did mention me they'd use the wrong pronouns on purpose!" Remy cried out, tightly gripping their hair as a way to help release their pent up tension. Emile's eyes darkened at this, but Remy didn't see, their face hidden in their hands.

"It seems like someone needs to speak to your family" Emile murmured lowly, Remy didn't notice his chance in demeanour, just agreed while trying to calm themselves down. Emile glanced at the ground for a few minutes, letting his imagination wonder until he was satisfied, then he turned back to Remy, lifting their head up so they could see his smile.

"I have something that might cheer you up"

Remy, finally wiping away their tears, snorted, "you always do"

They left the house after that, avoiding going to lessons in favour of making Remy feel better about their current predicament. They wandered the halls hand in hand, physical affection became a habit between the two in the first year, so most certainly it was going to carry on in the second and most likely forevermore.

"Where are we going?" Remy decided to ask when they began climbing up a bunch of stairs, hurrying up them before they would move and take them in a completely different direction. "We are going..." Emile drifted, tugging Remy down a hallway quickly before they appeared in front of a door, Remy knowing where it led to instantly.

"Ravenclaw's house?" Remy asked in confusion, turning to Emile who smirked and nodded. "How will we get in, smartass?" Remy then asked, watching Emile walk up to the door, still looking smug. "Usually it's a philosophical question which - apparently - can be answered with your own opinion" he explained, lifting the knocker to hit it against the door, taking a step back to stand beside Remy as they waited for the question.

"What came first" the door's voice suddenly sounded, the two kids leaning back a little as it did. "The chicken or the egg?"

The two kids glanced at each other with risen eyebrows, then turned back to the door.

"The egg!"

"The chicken!" They both answered at the same time, the door opening moments later. They hesitated and looked at each other again, bursting into laughter after a brief pause of silence. Guess the question will never be answered.

Emile stepped in first, Remy closing the door behind them as they headed into the empty common room, looking around the room draped with blue.

"Why are we here again?" Remy asked, turning to Emile who climbed up onto a window sill, patting the spot beside him. "Look at this" Emile responded and Remy did so, sitting beside their friend to gaze out at the views below, eyes widening when they took it all in.

"Wow..." they breathed and Emile nodded in agreement. "Bitches get these views while I'm stuck in a fucking hovel"

Emile's laughter filled the room they were in, Remy found themselves smiling as they looked over at their friend who grinned right back, eyes dancing with amusement. Yeah, he always knew how to make them feel better.

Throughout the few months leading to Christmas, Remy's family wasn't mentioned once, neither of the two found the need to bring them up, it wasn't necessary and besides, Emile didn't want to make their friend upset. Instead, the two spent their time just like the first year - going to classes together and spending nearly every free hour by each other's side.

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