Chapter 3

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The next day
Your POV:
I woke up in a random bed forgetting where I was for a second. But then I remembered I'm at Katie McGrath's house. I rolled over in the bed to find that she wasn't there. So I walked to the kitchen. And there she was dancing to some music on her phone with her earbuds in. Instead of letting her know I was there I just sat there and stared at her.

"AH WHAT THE HELL Y/N WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME YOU WERE SITTING THERE" she said as she turned around scared. "Eventually yeah but you just looked so cute dancing" I said with a smile. "Yeah well I made you bacon and pancakes you asshole" she said while handing me the plate. "Wow I didn't know the famous Katie McGrath could cook" I said sarcastically. "Their is a lot you don't know". "Well maybe I will one day".

We ate for a few minutes before we started talking again. "So I was thinking since I had today off we could go on an actual date" she said. "Yeah I just have to go back to my house and get some clothes". "Yeah I can drive you there if you want". "I would want nothing more.

While I finished my breakfast Katie went to go get ready. When I was done eating I walked back to the room to tell her I was ready. As I walked in she was wearing something so simple but it made her look so hot. And once again I froze up.

"Y/n what's wrong do I look bad". "No I just...... you just look really hot"I said quietly. "Your going to have to say that louder. "Sorry I have social anxiety". "Well why do you have anxiety around me?". "Because you look pretty and every time I walk into a room and see you I freeze". Then she walked over kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear "weird I thought it was just me that did that. But if you want to go in that date you better hurry up so I can take you to your house".

We got up and left to go to my house.

"You can come in if you want I just need to change my clothes brush my teeth and do my hair". "Ok I'll go in". So we went inside and I got ready. Then I hear Katie calling my name. "Y/n I forgot to tell you pack clothes for 2 days and make sure that you grab stuff for the cold". "Ok I'll just be a few more minutes then". All I really packed was just sweatpants but I also packed a winter jacket and other stuff like that. I packed shorts just incase too.

We got in the car and started driving a little until I turned down the music and asked her a question. "So where are we going to for this date anyway?". "We're going to the Poconos". "Well I don't like the cold so you better keep me warm" I said with a smirk. "Gladly" she said. Then we kept driving until we got to a hotel. "Ok we're here" she said.

We got out the car and I followed her to the room. The room only had 1 bed which meant I had to sleep with her but I didn't mind. "Sorry this was the only room they had and it only had one bed so I guess we're sharing one unless one of us sleeps on the floor or the couch" she said. "It's ok I don't mind we can sleep in the bed together". "Ok well I booked this for 3 days so do you want to sleep or go out and do something" she said.  "Well your probably tired from the drive so you should sleep". "Well could you sleep with me your going to give me anxiety if I know that your up while I'm asleep for all I could know you could run away" she said as she laughed tiredly. "I was planning on doing that anyway because I don't want you to run away".

We laid down and after a few minutes she said something. "Y/n". "Yeah". "Will my girlfriend". "Of course". "Good because even if you ran away I was going to look for you everywhere I would've sent out a search party" she said jokingly. "Really because I was thinking about doing the same thing for you".

"Now get some sleep so we can go do something later when we wake up" I said. "Ok".

Then she cuddle up under me and we fell asleep.

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