Chapter 69

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Seoul - November 2018

No One's P.O.V

The operation is still underway, members, managers and Jungkook's parents wait anxiously in the VIP room that the hospital has provided.

It's been almost 4 hours since the operation was carried out, but it's still not finished until this moment.

The room was silent, all of them were busy praying to their God to keep Jungkook save, a family member they loved so much. Before the operation, the doctor said that they would certainly, as always, try their best for this one. But he asked the family to prepare for all the worst possibilities since this surgery have a risk of death

The silence is broken by the ringing sound of Jimin's cellphone.

A message from Taehyung.

"Hyung, Tae will arrive in eight hours," Jimin told the other members ...

"Thanks, God."

Soon, a nurse came into the room.

"The surgery successfully completed."

After hugging each other emotionally and said thanks to the nurse, they then rush towards the operating room.

She is panicking. Earlier Doctor Kang, clearly, tell her that everyone here shouldn't go to the operating room. She was asked to take them to the ward where Jungkook will be transferred.

"Thank God," Jimin said many times while running. Jin who ran in front of him stopped suddenly, makes him hit his Hyung's back.

"Why are you suddenly ..." He fell silent as Jin when he sees a group of people in front of the operating room.

Taeeun and a handsome man sat together, he embraced her who looks weak, pale, and stared blankly at the wall in front of her.

Next to them stands a handsome man who they knew very well, Park Bogum, leaning against the wall with his hands crossed in front of his chest. His appearance was no less messy as Taehyung's sister.

"What are you doing here? Where is Taehyung?" Hoseok asked

"Didn't Taehyung just send a message that he was still in Moscow? Why did you already here?" Yoongi looks at Jimin who has his sight in something else. As he followed the direction of his view, he sees Bogum holding a black cellphone with a Gucci case. Kim Taehyung's phone.

"Bogum ssi, why is Taehyung's cellphone with you?"

Nobody answered Yoongi's question until finally, doctor Kang came out of the operating room.

The middle-aged doctor is startled to see them gathered here. Oh no.

Seconds later, three nurses also came out of the operating room while pushing a hospital bed with a body covered in white cloth.

"No, this is impossible." Yoongi shook his head, dispelling all the bad thoughts that suddenly appeared in his head.

In a hurry he approached the body, slowly opening the white cloth that covered it.

His body staggered

In the hospital bed, lay a handsome man who falls 'asleep' peacefully. His round eyes, which usually glow, are now hidden by his eyelids which are decorated with beautiful eyelashes.

"Taehyung ..." Jimin ran over to the body. He hugs and shakes it, hoping the owner of the body will wake up. But all he gets is the fact that the body felt so cold in his arms.

Taeeun pushes Jimin's body away.

"Let him rest," she said. Kissing the forehead of her brother's lifeless body.

"Rest in peace, my dear. I love you, always." After that, she passed out right above his chest which no longer had the sound of a heart beating.

Chris, Doctor Kang, and a nurse immediately take her to the nearest room.

"Wait a minute," said Jin, sobbing, when he sees the nurse would bring Taehyung's body away.

He opens the cloth to his chest. It's so obvious that there is a long incision.

"Is he the one who donates his heart to Jungkook?"

"Yes, he is." Bogum answers.

Yoongi, with his wobbly legs, approaches Taehyung, his warm hand falling softly on the cold skin. He places his hand over his chest that doesn't rise or fall. His tears fall as he kisses his forehead down onto his closed eyes.

"Why? Why did he do this?" Namjoon asks. He comes to Jimin who fell on the floor.

"Because he loves him, isn't that obvious?" Bogum then told them everything. About Taehyung's illness and his decision to give his heart to Jungkook.

As soon as he finished telling the story, Yoongi shouted hysterically, Jimin cried out uncontrollably, Jin sobbed to the point he almost runs out of breath, Hoseok punches the wall repeatedly, and Namjoon cried in silence trying to remain calm.

They are in disbelief. Why there is none of them who notice his extreme weight loss, his hair falling out, his skin turning yellow. Why no one noticed it? No matter how good Tahyung hide it, how good his excuses are, how effective his medicine is, aren't they at least aware of it even if it's just a bit?

They couldn't believe that they have done this to him.

The grief comes in like a wave. They are unprepared. They are in shock. And they are in denial that life could be this cruel to someone who's so kind-hearted.

They are in denial that Taehyung leaves this world forever.

They are devastated remembering, that time was their last hug.

They are devastated remembering that the goodbye which Taehyung gave them that time was his last goodbye.

They are devastated remembering that Taehyung asked them to look after Jungkook was his last message.

And what made them most devastated is the fact that in the midst of his suffering, Taehyung sacrificed and did many things for them. While they did nothing for him.

* * *

Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi went to Germany to attend Taehyung's funeral. Whereas Namjoon and Hoseok stay in Korea waiting for Jungkook to regains consciousness, in case he is 'questioning' why none of his members is by his side.

Doctor Kang said that they had to hide this matter until Jungkook's condition was truly stable.

Namjoon is forced to lie when Jungkook asks about Taehyung's whereabouts right when he opens his eyes.

Oh, how Hoseok wants to cry so badly.

During the time Jungkook is in the hospital, only Namjoon and Hoseok, sometimes Sejin, take turns accompanying him. Saying that Jin is busy preparing for his master's degree, Jimin and Yoongi are visiting Jimin's parents in Busan. Even though in fact, the three of them do nothing in the dorm.

It's just that Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi refused to meet Jungkook at the hospital. Not that they don't want, but they can't yet.

Jin and Jimin will cry when they see Jungkook, remembering Taehyung. Whereas Yoongi, he hasn't even come out of his room since their return from Germany. After all, Taehyung is so significant for Yoongi.

Only on the day that Jungkook will be discharged, the five of them are present at the hospital. It's because Namjoon forces them. Again with the same reason: 'so that Jungkook is not suspicious of them'.

For three and a half months they hide everything. Every day Jungkook asks about Taehyung, and during that time they continuously lying.

Until finally, after Jungkook came to see Bogum, Jin couldn't hold it anymore. He thinks it's time for Jungkook to know everything.

And the time has come for the six of them to left for Germany.

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