Chapter 25

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Seoul - September 2016

Jungkook's P.O.V

it's been three days since the spreading of my picture with Taehyung. And since that day, my head, my heart, can't stop throbbing. I just really want to engulf him with the tightest hug. But for now I can't do that, I'll just make everything worse.

For these three days, I had locked myself in the room. Tried to calm down, think clearly, and find the best solution, but I can't. It feels like I'm going crazy. I need Taehyung.

What should I do?

I can't just admit that we are dating, because it's not only threatening my career, but also the careers of other members. I don't care about my own, but what about them? For years they worked hard to get to this position, how could I destroy it.

I'm also working hard, being an idol is also my dream, but everything is not important right now. All I want is Taehyung, I want to protect him with my whole life. You can call me crazy, call me unreasonable, whatever. I only knew him 3 years ago, we just had this loving relationship for 2 years, but I love him so much. Love cannot be measured by how long you know each other.

He came into my life, lightening my pitch-dark world, like an oasis in a barren field. He taught me what love is. We are not always together, but we never stop loving each other.

Taehyung is my reason to stay strong through all of this, he keeps me inspired and excited even though I'm very tired. When I see him, thinking about him, it's as if my universe begins and ends with him. He's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need him in my life.

That's why I can't choose my career over him.

But how about other members? Should I just leave BTS? The members still can continue their career, and I still can be with Taehyung.

Suddenly what Jin Hyung said a few moments ago ringing in my head. I can say that Taehyung is just my friend. It's not a problem, right? Even though our friend is gay, that doesn't mean we're gay too, right?

Yeah, that's the best solution, I want to get up and tell Namjoon Hyung about my decision when someone knocks on my door. I open the door and find Hoseok hyung standing there

"Hyung I already made my decision," I said smiling to him

"Great, but first you need to take this call" he handed me his phone


"Your mom. These three days she tried to call you many times but your phone is turned off."

I take his phone, go back to my room and close the door.

Damn. I forgot about her.

"Hello," I said softly

"Jeon Jungkook, is that you?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"You know what I want to ask"

yes, I know, but I hope I never know because I can't give the answer you want. Of course, she didn't want to simply ask 'how are you'

"Jungkook" she called me

"What do you want to ask, mom?"

"Son, tell me that everything on the news isn't true. It's all just gossip, right?

"Uhm ..."

"Jungkook. Don't tell me..."

"Mom." I cut her off. And she suddenly screaming hysterically over the phone

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