Chapter 20

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Seoul - November 2016

Jungkook's P.O.V

"He's my boyfriend. Why?"

One sentence which makes me feel like being hit by a bullet in the bruised chest.

As she pulls him out of the backstage room, Namjoon hyung also pull me back to our waiting room.

"Why? Why? Why?" Yoongi hyung yell at Jin Hyung while pushing him until he falls at the couch

"Hyung. You need to calm down" Jimin tried to soothing the raging man

"Why did you stop me from beating those bitch? Why?" He gripping Jin Hyung's collar

"Then I should let you beat them? In front of many people? and let them sue you?"

Yoongi Hyung snorting in annoyance, realizing what Jin Hyung said is true. Yoongi Hyung might be boiling inside, but I have an enormous explosion inside of me. I really want to pull their head from its body. How dare them to treat Tae like that. How I want to slap her, how much I want to let my inner psycho beat her to a pulp. My knuckles turn white from clenching my fist too hard, gritting my teeth from the effort to remain calm. My face red because of suppressed rage.

I have to give them a lesson

"Where are you going?" Namjoon hyung grab my hand as I open the door.

"don't act rashly, or everything you do will be in vain" he added

I just rolled my eyes.

"You hurt Tae enough. Don't give him any more problem" Jimin warned me with a killing glare in his eyes

He doesn't need to remind me how much I hurt Taehyung, because that guilty feeling never leaves me even for one millisecond. I'm very aware how much of a jerk I am. All that's left in me is a sorry heart, a broken one.

"I'm just going out for fresh air" With that, I'm leaving the room.

Everythings look so normal. I'm doing my routine activity, music show-interview-photoshoot-practice, always exactly repeat every day. Other than he is not being here, there's nothing different at all. I hadn't even spoken a single word, but I let him go. I miss him so much, want to see him so much. I just want to smile with him, want to forget everything, just like absolutely nothing has happened.

And it seems fate is playing a cruel joke on me. He's standing there, back-hugging, his girlfriend. It feels like I'm gonna die, what should I do?

"Tae, can we talk for a moment?" that words just slip out of my mouth

"I need to go," Krystal said to Taehyung.

"Hmm. let's talk later"

And she left, leaving the two of us who just look at each other eyes.

* * *

No One's P.O.V

"Is she your girlfriend?" the once longing stare at Taehyung's eyes, now turn into a disappointment.

"After all this time, is that what you need to say?"

there is no answer from the other male. He really wants to say sorry, but even saying sorry seems awkward.

"if you want to say sorry, that's not what I really want to hear from you. So you don't need to do that"

"How are you?"

Hearing that question, Taehyung can't make sense of anything. All that comes out is laughter, so he just laughed.

"Am I look okay? Am I look that happy? Am I look like someone who just wins the lottery?"

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