Chapter 41

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Seoul - August 2018

No One's P.O.V

"Jin Hyung. Don't you miss me?" Taehyung approaches him. He crouched down at Jin Hyung's level.

"Hyung ..."

"Taehyung, forgive me." Jin Hyung cried so much. He covered his face with his palms. His body trembles uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry. Sorry, Hyung ignored you. When you needed me, I ignored you. I'm sorry for not picking up your phone at that time. You need my help, but I'm too coward. I even asked Jungkook to forget you and move on. I'm sorry, Tae. Forgive this disappointing Hyung. "

"Sshh Hyung. Calm down. You're not at fault for anything, Hyung. "Taehyung pulled the older man into his arms

And Jin cried into his chest.

"You don't need to tell a lie just to calm me down. Don't be a liar."

"Alright. To be honest, all of you are guilty. You all ignored me when I needed a helping hand from all of you. Being ignorant of what happened to me. All of you are very evil. I get bullied in front of you, before your eyes, but you did nothing. None of you helped me. I was insulted, and you just kept quiet and stand still unbothered. Aren't you guys just so cruel? "

Taehyung let go of his arms from Jin. He got triggered. He stood in the middle of the room staring at the six other men.

"Yes, you are all evil. You call me 'best friend', you call me 'brother', you call me 'boyfriend', but all of you left me drowning alone. Aren't you guys the same? You ignored me, it was as if I wasn't there. Everything makes me weak, vulnerable and pathetic. I'm damaged beyond repair." Taehyung vents his anger. The pent-up anger that bottled up for two years.

He looks at each of BTS member directly at their eyes. For a moment he closed his eyes. Trying to dampen his anger.

"But now I decide to move on and live. So, please help me. Just don't talk about that terrifying day again. I tried to forget it, so don't trigger me about that. Let's forgive each other. No. Let's just say that no one at fault in this case"

Jungkook approaches Taehyung. Circling his arms around the waist of the man he loved so much. Kissing his forehead, temple, and his crown.

"Let's start over again. Fresh start, a new beginning. I know, the wounds caused by the incident will never disappear. But at least we can make a beautiful new memory, so we can bury the bitter thing deeply."

"Yeah. Let's start fresh" Namjoon pulls his boyfriend to stand up and goes towards Jungkook and Taehyung. Likewise, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok also walked closer.

The seven of them hugged each other. They realize that it's not the time to find out who is guilty. It's not the time to point a finger at each other. They might not be able to fix what's already broken, but they gonna starting over and creating something better.

"Ok, let's stop this. I start to have difficulty breathing." Taehyung, the centre of the hug, squirming in Jungkook's embrace.

And they let go of each other with a smile plastered on their face.

"And let me take a bath. I haven't bathed at all since after the concert in Japan" Taehyung smile sheepishly

"No wonder. Since then, I thought what unholy smell is this." Yoongi pretended to be disgusted and covered his nose with his hand.

"It's your unholy nose." Jungkook defends his beloved.

"Just go upstairs, love. You can take a bath in my bathroom. You can wear my clothes all you want." Jungkook pecks Taehyung lips.

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