Chapter 31

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Busan - July 2018

Jungkook's P.O.V

I take a deep breath. Everything's gonna be okay Kook. Just relax. You are what you are, don't let other people control, judge, and label you.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

A 50-year-old woman opened the door and immediately hugged me. I looked at her. Some of her hair started to turn white, her face is decorated with wrinkles around her eyes.

If only you accepted me as I am, mom.

"Jungkook my son. Come in."

"Hey, Dad." My greeting when I saw a middle-aged man sitting in front of the television.

"Oh my God, Jungkook. What's with the surprise visit." He pulls me into his embrace

"I know right. You should tell me so I can cook your favourite food." My mom kisses me on the cheek.

"Well, I didn't plan to visit either." I settled my self on the couch.

"Is it because you miss us?"

"Not really." I shrugged my shoulder

"Then for what reason you came all the way here? Don't you have a schedule?" My dad furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"I have something to tell you."

"What's that?" he looks at me with a narrowed eyes

"Let's have the talk after the dinner. You must be tired. Go to your room and have a little bit rest. I'll prepare the dinner." My mom ruffled my hair

Dinner time is very slow. During it, my parents asked some questions like "what are you busy doing?", "Are you preparing a new album?", They just asked about work. Can't they ask about the state and health of their son? Put aside asking about how do I feel. They never care.

I put my fork and spoon down.

"So, Dad. Mom. I need to say something."

"We're all ears." My dad said

"I love someone."

"Really? Glad to hear that. You should bring her home. We'll be very happy to meet her." My mom said excitedly

"It's not her. It's him." I looked at them straight in the eye


"I'm gay"

Dad throws a glass of water right into my face.

"Get help NOW..." My mom scream. "You're sick"

"No. I'm happy and healthy with it. Can you just accept who I am?"

"Accept? Gay?" My mom's face turned red from anger.

Suddenly dad comes to me, yanks my hair harshly, ready to slap me. But I halted his hand.

"Do you think I'm going to let you do the same to me, just like what you did to Junki Hyung?"

"Tell me you're kidding, Kook."

"No. I'm deadly serious about this, Mom."

"Mom, Dad. I love you. I sincerely do. Can you love me too? Love me the way I am."

"We'll do if you're not a disgrace to the family." Her words are full of hate and rage

"So I'm a disgrace to this family?" I snort at her

"Yes. You put shit on our face. You ... " my mom can't continue her words because the rage she feels.

"I only have two children. and both of them are disgusting." Daddy threw the plate, the glass and all the objects on the table.

I Still Want You [Taekook] ✔Where stories live. Discover now