Chapter 3

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Seoul - August 2016

No One P.O.V

"DINNER IS READY" Jin shout from the kitchen, his voice echoed throughout the dorm.

"What's the menu hyung?" Jimin asks from his room which is on the 2nd floor.

"Don't shout, you brat. Who teaches you to shout to the older?" Jin answered with a shout. Namjoon and Suga whose already in the dining room can only shake their head for their member antics.

"if you don't come here in one minute, then you don't get any food tonight"

Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook who still in their room hurriedly come down. Tonight dinner's menus are kimchi fried rice and egg roll. Everyone is so grateful towards Jin. No matter how hectic their schedule, how tired they are, he still took time to make food for the members, especially breakfast. That's why the others 5 often called him "Mom" .. kkkk.

"So Jungkook, what kind of Birthday party you want?" Namjoon asks while eating his egg roll.

the latter shrugged his shoulder. "I just want a simple dinner with the members and Taehyung" 

"Actually that's a great idea. Simple is the best. And the most important, I really miss TaeTae" Jimin responded enthusiastically while bouncing his body up and down.

it's been 1 months since BTS meet Taehyung. They have a practice, overseas schedule, and recording for their next album. So it's only natural that they can't meet each other. Except for Jungkook, even last night they drink together, resulting in The failure story of Tae's exam. And Jin, he also met Tae last night, when he picked up the drunk magnae.

Jungkook is always devoted his only free time for his beloved boyfriend. Usually, they spend their time eating or drinking together, at the dorm with other member or at Sejin's house. Why at the manager house? Because Jungkook can't risk being found in someone house. it will look normal when he is hanging around his manager house. that's what he thinks. Their date is boring, right? But it's not like they have a different option though.

"then tomorrow morning Me, Jimin, and Jin will go shopping for the foods and beverages. Yoongi will clean the dorm, especially living room, thoroughly. Hoseok your tasks are help Yoongi and make sure he didn't sleep instead. And for the birthday boy, you just need to chill and enjoy your time." Namjoon ended his speech with a wink towards the magnae.

* * *

Yoongi's P.O.V

I really miss Taehyung.

Lately, I noticed that Jungkook always tried to stop me from seeing Taehyung. I don't know the reason though. He usually will have a drink in our dorms rather than Sejin hyung's house, he also let me pick him up from our manager house. And for the worse, I often feel he really offended everytime I talk about Taehyung. What did I do wrong?

"Isn't Taehyung will leave the day after tomorrow?" I ask the sudden question that popped up in my mind.

"leave? what do you mean hyung?" Jungkook asked, glaring. am I suddenly have a horn in my head? is it necessary for him to glare at me?

"yeah. as far as I remember, he will back to his country the day after your birthday. for his Summer holiday." Jungkook glare at me again after hearing my answer.

"what? how did you know and I don't?" this time he raise his voice. seriously what's wrong with this child. And what? he didn't know?

"what? you're his boyfriend and you didn't know?"  unintentionally, my voice came out sounds like mocking him.

"what's your problem?" he slammed his fist down on the table in anger, make the other 4 startled.

"you're the one who has a problem, Kook. Taehyung already said in our group chats week ago. and I'm sure he actually already tell you beforehand." Jimin stated the fact. Oh, thank God, at least I'm not the only one who on the right mind now.

Jungkook still glaring at me. "Don't get too close with my boyfriend", he said while stressing at the word 'my boyfriend'. Really what's wrong with this kid? is he jealous? but why? for what? I start to get irritated by his actions.

"Listen to me, Kook. if you're jealous of me or other members for getting close with Taehyung, you don't need to do that. you know very well that we treat him as our little brother. if you suspicious towards me then let me tell you that I also suspicious towards you. recently the way you treat Tae is different. Yeah, you still spent your free time with him, but it's always only when you want to drink. No cuddle, intimate and sincere talking, like what you used to do. you used to always text him, call him, video call with him, but lately, you only text him when he sends a message first. You change, kook. You change. Why you suddenly limiting us to meet him? you suddenly jealous of our relationship with Taehyung. did you feel insecure when we talking to him? Why? Ask the other members, they'll say the same. you change. Especially since your dating scandal with that girl. Are you sure you didn't cheat on him?" I feel a sudden rush of blood to my head. I can't stand him anymore. he really changes. I know it's wrong for me to do this. I shouldn't tell him this way. But what can I do? unexpectedly I already speaking everything in my mind. It's my fault to let anger took over me. And the last thing I remember is, He punched me so hard.

* * *

Jungkook's P.O.V

I Punched him.

I punched Yoongi hyung. what he said about me feeling jealous, that's true. That's why lately I choose to meet Tae at Sejin hyung's house. But when he said that I'm cheating on Tae, he really deserves to get punched. Never in my whole life have thought to cheat on him, to hurt him. Even seeing him cry, feel like my world is crushed. How can Yoongi accuse me that low?

about my change, I must admit that it's partially true.
I just, you know. feel so tired. No, not tired of our relationship. Just tired of this life in general. The pressures for our next comeback is huge. I'm very grateful that our last album was very successful and received a very positive response. And it means for this album we should do better, and honestly, it really pressured me.

Honestly speaking, being the centre, main vocal, main dance, and being labelled as golden magnae, are really pressured me. I should practice more than the others, work out more, and it really tired me out. And that's why lately I drunk so much. that's why I drink every time I meet up with my boyfriend. I really want to cuddle with Tae, talking about random things, have an intimate and sincere conversation, i really miss to do that with Tae. I really do.

About me who only text him when he texts me first, I must admit that it's true, and I intentionally do that. I lessen my communication with him on purpose. Because once I text him or call him, I'll lose track of the time. I already plan to make up for our lost time, once all the comeback promotion is finish.

the vibration on my jeans pocket pull me out from my thinking. and i realize that there is no one in this room. i guess they goes to yoongi room. i should have a private talk with him latter, and maybe said sorry? and of course with all of the members.

I open my phone, and i feel like all of my tiredness is being washed away.  

Bae 💜

u okay? miss you...

ps : sending virtual hug and kisses 😘

Oh God, i really love him.

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