Chapter 39

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Berlin - August 2018

No One's P.O.V

After Taehyung said goodbye to his parents, they decide to go to a nearby restaurant because obviously, Taehyung's stomach can't stop growling.

Fortunately, this evening there are not many visitors. In addition, the dining area is also separated in cubicles so the two men can have their privacy.

"What are you looking at?" Taehyung blush. Since apparently, Jungkook can't stop looking at him, smiling ear to ear.

"My world," he said cheekily

"Eewwww... " Taehyung laugh.

"Well, you need to get used to this. Cause I don't intend to stop flattering you."

Taehyung chuckle. Oh, how much he misses this type of Jungkook.

"Good evening, Sirs" a female waiter approached them.

"What do you want to order, sir?" she asked, handing the menu to Jungkook

After saw the menu, the said male just rub his nape sheepishly.

"Uhm... All the menu are in the German language. I don't understand" he gave the menu to his love who's tried to hold back laughter.

"What if I order something you don't like?"

"Nope, you love me too much to do that," Jungkook smirks

"Eww, you think too highly of your self"

Taehyung then chooses several foods and drink from the menu. He makes sure that what he orders is Jungkook's favourite.

"It's unbelievable," Taehyung said while waiting for their foods.

"what?" Jungkook asked, still staring at 'his world'.

"This situation. I never imagined we would eat together in a restaurant."

Even though Taehyung said while smiling, but both of them know that actually, it's something bitter.

"Just wait a little while, love. I'll make sure that in the future we'll go around the world, holding hands freely."

Taehyung is scared. He is afraid to trust that. And Jungkook seems to sense Taehyung's worry, so he holds his hands and caresses it.

"I'll look forward to that."

They looked at each other, exchanged millions of emotions through their gazes.

"Excuse me sirs" this time a different waiter come to bring their order.

Jungkook smiles seeing the food arranged on the table. Everything is his favourite. He then looked at Taehyung.

'I will never let him go. I love him so much.' Jungkook said to himself.

"Thank you," Taehyung said to the waiter

"Enjoy your meal. Hopefully, you and your boyfriend like our food."

Hearing the waiter's words, both of them are blushed.

"Hey boyfriend," Jungkook wink at Taehyung

"Oh my God, Stop it." Taehyung hides his red face in his hands

"And you're not my boyfriend" he adds.

"Well, didn't you said that ... "

"Did I say we are dating again?" Taehyung smirk

"Nope" Jungkook pouting

"I did give you another chance, but it doesn't mean that we are in that kind of relationship again. I'm still ... you know, it's ... " he lost for words. but Jungkook understands what Taehyung trying to say.

I Still Want You [Taekook] ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें