Chapter 18

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Seoul - November 2016

Taehyung P.O.V

I decided to make an appearance at the music show. Like, why not? Maybe just like what Bogum Hyung said, and Minjae too, and my sister too, that this is the chance for me to show them, haters, that I'm more than what they think about. I'm a super talented handsome man *cough* oh how embarrassing for saying it myself.

And Soojung, the one and only who opposed this, offering to the PD that she's gonna be the special MC. Who will reject that offer? of course no one. It's Soojung after all, her class is different.

"Are you my mother? Am I a kindergarten child who needs his mother to accompany him to school?" that's what I said when found out her doing. meanwhile, the said female just ignore my question.

As an inexperienced in this field, I need Minjae counsel about what must I wear. And he said "Why you need to worried about that? Just wear anything. You're a Visual King. You'll look great in whatever you wear, and everything will looks expensive in your body. Believe me." I'm too flattered by his compliment *cough*. Considering I'm going to sing a sad song, I decided to dress in simple plain shirts and black jeans.

I'm driving alone to the TV station since Soojung needs to finish her other schedule first. When I arrived, there're so many people outside the building, the majority of them are BTS's fans.

"It's okay Taehyung. It's okay. Everythings gonna be alright. Just don't listen to everything they said. You're doing great, boy" I speak to myself to calm me down. Wearing my headphone, turn on John Legend song, I'm ready to fight.

I can feel their stare and their whisper when they see me. I've been this far, I can't let them drag me down. Finally, I entered the waiting room, the same room with Soojung.

"That girl really can't leave me alone" I smile. There are only three females that I let them get into my life, Mom - Sister - Soojung, and all of them really really overprotecting towards me. My Sister and Soojung only met once, two days ago, but they already make an alliance.

a few moments later one of the FD enter my room, "Kim Taehyung-ssi, you need to go to the backstage room. We are going to do the rehearsal with all of today's performers."

Among all of the singer and Idol, he stands there. The person that I can find even in the midst of a thousand people. Just like what my sister said, he wear the earrings. I always wonder how does he look with that, of course, he looks so handsome.

My eyes meet with his, and the other members. Indeed, it's really devastating. You can't imagine the grief that comes with the best friends turned into strangers. I smile and slightly lower my head towards them, as a greeting. Even though I'm just a stranger to them, at least I'm trying to be a stranger who knows manners. even if it hurts.

I said that I'm going to move on, I said that I'm going to forget and let him go, but yeah, easier said than done. it's just two months since we break up, what do you expect me to do. At least it's not that painful compared to before and I can hold back my tears. But it's still burned. Although not much, our memories are precious. I'm so happy with him, every moment engraved and attached beautifully to my heart and my brain. I really wish to have the chance to hug him for the last time.

The rumblings of other idol enter the room calls me from my past memories. One of them is Twice, who walk in the direction of Red Velvet, and all of them managed to give me a cold stare. Especially Sana and Irene, the previous and current leech of Jungkook's.

Do you still remember my exam accident? Yeah, basically the cause is this Sana girl. At that time, I was jealous of Jungkook because he was rumoured to be dating with Sana. The cause of the issue is this flirty woman who always mentions that Jungkook is her ideal type, netizen also notices that they have some alike items, not only that, they're also spotted in the same cafe. I'm jealous, so jealous, for the first time in two years, that's why Jungkook asked me to date at Sejin Hyung's house.

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