Chapter 32

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Seoul - July 2018

No One's P.O.V

Jungkook wakes up with pain all over his body. And his heart too. What Taehyung said last night was still reverberating in his mind. He tried to get up from the bed with all his energy.

"It's not good to smoke in the morning," he said when he saw Taehyung smoking on the balcony of his apartment.

Taehyung turned to Jungkook. Without turning off the cigarette, he walked toward the dining room with Jungkook who's trailing behind.

Without a word, Taehyung put a plate of fried rice in front of Jungkook.

"Wow, you still remember that I like eating fried rice for breakfast" Jungkook smiled

"It's the only thing I can cook. Don't think too highly of your self." Taehyung said indifferently. Even so, Jungkook feels happy. Taehyung cooks for him. That's the point.

"Take off your clothes"

"What?" Jungkook is shocked, he almost chokes on his food.

"Just do it."

Jungkook undressed. This used to be a normal thing he does, but now he feels embarrassed.

"Just eat your meal. I'll treat the bruises on your back." Taehyung takes the first aid kit and stands behind Jungkook.

"Thank you," Jungkook said softly

Taehyung put the ointment on Jungkook's back, makes him wincing in pain.

He treats Jungkook's wound gently and full of care.

"I miss your touch". Taehyung ignores Jungkook's words

"Don't you wonder what happened to me?"


"You are really indifferent"

"At least I am willing to help you."

"Well, yeah. Thank you for that"

There is a silence for a couple of minutes. Jungkook thought it would be an awkward silence, but in fact, it's somehow comforting.

"Will you hear a story?"


"Can you just say 'yes' for once?" Jungkook has already finished his food


"I'm still going to tell you the story"

"So what's the point of asking then?" Taehyung moves to sit next to Jungkook. He has finished treating the bruise on his back and he'll treat the wound in the hands.

"You were always disappointed because I never told you about my family. This is the reason. My parents are abusive. This bruised is caused by them." Taehyung doesn't respond, but Jungkook can feel the man he loves tensed up.

"I have an older brother. He has died. Suicide. My parents always abused him for one reason, he was gay. So do I. But I never tell them, and they never found out too. Because I'm afraid that I will experience the same as my brother. I'm such a coward. That's why, at that time, I lied by saying that I was straight. I lied that ... " Jungkook choked up. There is a big lump of regret, guilt, and sorrow on his heart. and it's strangling him.

"Enough. You don't need to continue it. I don't want to hear anything. Let it be, I've erased it from my memory and my life. You don't need to remind me of that nightmare anymore."

Taehyung finishes treating the male's wound.

"Wear your clothes. Soon Min Yoongi will pick you up." He added

I Still Want You [Taekook] ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt