131 'Narrative'

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"Mina is just playing to your feelings"

"Lisa is your mortal enemy not me, Chaeyoung."

different voices echoed in a white room where Mirror can be seen everywhere, Chaeyoung tries to move her body, she looks around and she saw herself in the mirror that she is seating in a chair, her hands are free but she can't move. A man enters the place, Chaeyoung tries to opens her eyes but the vision is so blurry.

The man came closer to Chaeyoung and he whisper "She doesn't love you, she is just using you Chaeyoung" The man slowly pulls his self back and he laughs vigorously. Chaeyoung wants to stand up but the chair won't allow her to do so.

Lisa enters Chaeyoung's rooms she saw that Chaeyoung is sweating so hard. Lisa instantly runs to Chaeyoung to wake up the girl, she shakes the cub's body but Chaeyoung doesn't respond "Chaeyoung! Wake up!" Lisa panics she don't know what to do, she roams her eyes in Chaeyoung's room and she saw a jug with full of water, she stood up and she grabs it "I'm sorry cub, I need to do it" Lisa pour the water in Chaeyoung's face Lisa closes her eyes while pouring the water in the cub's face, Chaeyoung dilates her eyes; panting and she stood up "Thank you" Lisa opens her one eye "Are you okay?" Chaeyoung shook her head and she leave the room.

"She must be thankful because i save her life" Lisa mumbles and she left the room.

"Where are you going, Chaeyoung?" Lisa sees Chaeyoung wearing yellow oversize Jacket and a sweatpants "Cafe, I'm craving for some bitterness" Chaeyoung chuckled and Lisa laughs.

The aroma of black beans filled the cafe, Chaeyoung ordered espresso. She heard that there's someone calls her from her right, she looks to her right and she saw Mina waving to her and she is with Hatsuko and Vladimir who is smiling to Chaeyoung, she knitted her eyebrows because and ask herself that why she is with them. Chaeyoung walks towards to them and she seats beside Mina "What are you doing here Mina?" Hatsuko interrupts Mina "I ask her to meet me and I'm sorry Chaeyoung for not asking permission" Hatsuko bowed and Vladimir chuckled.

Chaeyoung looks to Vladimir "and you what are you doing here?" Vladimir raises his eyebrows while smiling "Oh Chaeyoung, nothing I just want to meet Mina" Vladimir smiles to Chaeyoung.

"So would you mind if i ask some questions?" Vladimir ask the 3 of them and Hatsuko nods briskly while Mina and Chaeyoung looks to each other "Oh you don't feel comfortable? I'm sorry" Mina laughs "No, it's okay"

"Good then" Vladimir clasp his hands on top of the table "So you met Hatsuko in Japan" Mina nods and she smile while she remember those days where she plays in -1 "Oh that's sweet, you and Hatsuko looks so good together." Mina looks to Chaeyoung and she hold Chaeyoung's hand to calm down. Hatsuko steps on Vladimir's feet that made him to yelp in pain "I'm sorry for his attitude" Hatsuko bows to Chaeyoung.

Vladimir smirk to Chaeyoung "Sorry for that Chaeyoung" Chaeyoung slowly nods, Mina holds her hand tightly.

From afar another voice calls Chaeyoung "Ms. Son?!!"Chaeyoung squinted her eyes to see who's the person trying to call her. The man came towards their place and her vision became clear "Ms. Son, oh! you are Chaeyoung's girlfriend! Hi Ms. Mina" Vinn bows to them, Mina slightly bow and she smiles to Vinn "We're not yet official"

Vinn didn't notice that Vladimir is there that's why Vladimir stood up and he face Vinn "Another visitor, Hi! here seat here" Vladimir offers his seat that made Vinn's eyes widen when Vladimir stand up.

Mina knitted her eyebrows they look familiar Mina thought, she close her eyes to remember their faces but it fails. Chaeyoung taps Mina's arm "Are you okay? Do you want to go home?" Mina nods. Chaeyoung stood up "We'll go home now, thanks for the time" Vladimir crosses his arms and he smiles to the two "Let's drink some beer Chaeyoung, it's still early" he looks to his wristwatch "No we must go home she is tired" Mina looks to Chaeyoung and the cub nods "Next time Vladimir" the two left the place.

Vladimir smiles to them Time is running, Chaeyoung Vladimir laughs and he saw that Vinn is looking to him and he stood up to whisper "Don't do it or else I'll be the one who will end you" Vladimir laughs "Brave of you to talk to me like that, Vinn. I know you and you can't kill someone" Vladimir chuckled "Poor you my little brother" Vladimir added. Vinn's hand form into fist and he left Vladimir and Hatsuko in the cafe.

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