10 'Narrative'

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"Please date Jeongyeon if you lose" Mina reads in her TV Screen and smirked "We will win ofcourse" Mina scans the opponents' username she widens her eyes as she read the usernames.

"littlewhitegirl, only4guxci, Onlyforyoo, and 423.sonshine. What again???!" She screams as she saw the 423.sonshine username. When the game is about to start she furiously press the buttons in the console. In the first two minutes she killed 3 people but she can't find 423.sonshine.

"where the hell are you 423.sonshine!" when she turn around the joystick, she startled because the 423.sonshine is in her back and the said account killed Mina in the game. Mina curse into her head.

greenteaisgreen invites you to open your mic

X | O

Mina puts her headphones on, she heard different voices from her teammates. She heard that Sana keeps on groaning "Why they are our opponents again??" Mina smirked and she talk while her eyes is on the screen; focusing in the game "It means that we need to beat them"

On the other line she heard that Nayeon is laughing "Ooh someone is triggered" Mina didn't response instead she focus on how to beat the opponents team.

"Mina! go to their tower find the box and pull the plug so that we will win over them, we will cover you up" Jihyo command her and she immediately press her controller as she controls her character in the video game.

Each team must hide a special box and they will defend it, once the team pulls out the plug and find the box it will be over to their opponent team and after that they will get so many special combo boxes and upgrades to their character.

She slowly moves the joystick and her character look around in the tower. It is an abandoned tower, there are many narrow alleys and she notice that every corner there's a canvass, she don't mind it she continue to move her character in the open room. When she get there she notice that the room is full of glass and it's so very modern.

Mina knitted her eyebrows "Is this a new upgrade? This is my first time to see this map" she unconsciously talk and the other line asked her "What? what did you see?" Nayeon asked her "Did you already see the box?" Momo asked her while munching some foods. Mina move her character to the room "Where is the box!!" It's been a minutes that she is roaming around the room.

When she is about to open a secret place, player 423.sonshine killed her. Mina holds her controller tightly, she throws the controller on the couch and she grabs a pillow to scream on.

"Mina! your headphones are still on! don't scream!" Sana said. Mina rolls her eyes and she see it on the screen that player 423.sonshine chatted to everyone.

"freshpengu is weak"

Everyone laughs because they also seen it on their screen, Jihyo sensed that Mina isn't laughing and she fake a cough and she command her teammates to go into a certain place.

Mina takes a deep sigh she grabs her controller again and she start to play again, and this time she always kill player 423.sonshine she don't mind about winning anymore she only wants to kill 423.sonshine. There are times that she went to a rooftop just to find the player 423.sonshine but every time she waits to kill that player she always killed by 423.sonshine.

Mina see that the player 423.sonshine always tease her.

"freshpengu c'mon find me and kill me again"

"You don't know how to play this game? you are new to this? Let me teach you"

"Okay so you really don't know how to play this game"

"You are just wasting your time playing with us"

Mina clenched the controller "Mina, are you okay? i think this player really likes to tease you!" Nayeon laughs. Mina's team aren't pissed off because their opponent are sometimes helping them by giving some clues where is the box and where to pull out the plug but in Mina's case she isn't happy because the player 423.sonshine always tease her and kills her in the game.

"yes I'm okay" Mina saw that Momo killed 423.sonshine and she press the chat button.

"HA! WHO IS NOW WEAK!" she type through the controller Mina's team laugh because of the penguin's action. She see that it's already tie and one more point they will win this game.

She see that the player 423.sonshine replied back

"lol you didn't kill me it was pinklamborghini. Stop being a delulu"

this player really getting into my nerves I will report this player

and it is the final round, Mina lock her eyes on her TV screen she really alarms her mind if there's someone in her back. Mina goes back again to the room where she found the secret place, when her character pulled out the box the she saw that her enemy 423.sonshine comes to her place, she didn't hesitate to kill that person.

Mina's team won over 423.sonshine. She release a deep sigh and she put her back on the couch. She heard that her team are squealing because of their success. She also sees that 423.sonshine chatted.

"Nice game, but freshpengu is still weak. I let you guys win over us"

Mina smirked as she read the chat of 423.pengu.

"Mina-ssi please treat us some meal" Sana cutely request to Mina

"Sure" and the rest of them turn off their mics and call it a day.


okay triple update hahaha.

If you have some suggestions or whatever it is just comment down. Thank you mwaps

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