108 'Narrative'

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Spiel Enterprise, a gaming company which each division are tied up because the release date of this game is near. Each division are doing their jobs to produce the game smoothly, on the other hand Lisa held an important meeting because Chaeyoung send a message that she will test the game.

Lisa stood up to from her chair as soon as she saw Chaeyoung's message, she can feel that the girl is furious now because they still didn't gave the software to Chaeyoung. She calls her secretary to call the Programming Division specially the head of the division "Emma, call the Programming Division and tell to them that we will be having an urgent meeting" Emma nods "And oh, prepare the conference room" Emma grabs the telephone and she starts call the said Division.

After half an hour of preparation the employees from Programming Division are entering the conference room. Lisa is patiently waiting for Vladimir and Hatsuko to came "Where is your head?" The two employees looks to each other and they shrugged their shoulders.

"Vladimir! Lisa is waiting for us hurry up!" Hatsuko barge in while he is panting, Vladimir jolted from his seat while he is focused to his computer "What are you doing? Are you not yet done??" Hatsuko came to his place and he frowned. Vladimir immediately turns off his computer when Hatsuko came to his place and he fix his eyeglass "uh no no actually it's done, go ahead first i'll follow you after" Hatsuko secretly looks into Vladimir's computer but he sees that his computer is off, The japanese guy slowly nods and he leaves the place.

Vladimir removes his eyeglass and he sigh.

Everyone are in the conference room, Hatsuko enters the place and Lisa is looking to him with her knitted eyebrows on he gave an apologetic smile and he seats near the projector. Lisa is tapping her fingers on the table until that she felt that her phone vibrates and she sees Chaeyoung's name on it, the girl is calling.

Shit. Lisa mumbles, She hesitantly to answer the phone call, she don't know what to explain to Chaeyoung because the girl is really waiting for the software. Lisa finally answer the call "Hey Chaeyoung!" she clears her throat "Lisa how many times do i have to tell you that I must check first the software?! The release date is near!" Lisa distant the phone to her ear that cause other employees to shut their mouths and look to Lisa. She notice that the employees are looking to her, she stood up and leaves the place "Chaeyoung, calm down we can make it okay?" Lisa is in the fire exit stairs so that no one will hear their conversation "Okay, okay. I'll give you a deadline next week give me the copy, send it here in korea" Lisa close her eyes and she nods "Yes, I gotta go now. I set an urgent meeting regarding to the software to bye for now. " Chaeyoung hangs up the phone call.

Vladimir and Lisa simultaneously enters the conference room. Vladimir seats in front of Hatsuko near the projector while Lisa is in the middle.

"Vladimir is here and also Hatsuko we can start now the meeting." She signal to proceed "I want to see the final output of the game, Mr. Ivanov where is it?" Lisa opens her palm indicating to give the flash drive to her hands. Vladimir laughs and he puts his hand to his nape "You didn't tell it to me that today will be the dry run" Lisa knitted her eyebrows "You still didn't finish it?" Vladimir smirks "Mr. Hatsuko can you please get the flash drive to my desk it is a silver one." Hatsuko nods and he left the conference room.

Hatsuko runs towards Programming Division's room, as he enters the room he instantly find Vladimir's desk. He opens each drawer to find the silver flash drive until he stops from searching because there's a rectangular transparent box which there's a silver flash drive on top of Vladimir's desk.

S'il vous plaît ne pas ouvrir

Hatsuko didn't read the sticky note on the rectangular transparent box, when he opens it there's a two silver flash drive he instantly grab the 2nd flash drive and he left the place.

The Japanese guy enters the conference room and Vladimir sees that Hatsuko is giving the flash drive to Lisa. Ivanov, secretly smirk as he sees Lisa inserts the Flash drive to the laptop.

The dry run went well and the software is ready to produce around the world.

Lisa stood up from her seat "Okay since this software is ready to use and produce each head of the division will come to korea for the launching event of this game. Vladimir and Hatsuko prepare your luggage because you'll leave early. I already send your tickets through your email accounts. Meeting is done thanks for your hard work." Hatsuko sees Vladimir smiles sheepishly.

He is getting weird everyday. Hatsuko shook his head and he left the place

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