66 'Narrative'

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The two is walking silently but Chaeyoung broke the silence as she bombarded Mina with a questions like "Where is your house?" "do you live alone?" "do you like me?" Mina stops from walking as she heard those 4 words the heat in her body rising up again, she glared to Chaeyoung "What? I don't even like you" Chaeyoung stops from asking questions as she heard Mina reject her, she smile weakly to Mina and the rest of the walk Chaeyoung went silent. Mina regret to the words that she said to the cub who is silent.

Mina stops from walking because they arrived in the front of her apartment "I'll get going, thank you for the accompany" She removes the coat and she gave it to Chaeyoung, she can't look into the cubs eyes because it's really obvious that she is sad, she made the girl sad in her birthday.

Mina remembers that she bought a present to Chaeyoung and she gave it to her "Hey" Chaeyoung looks to her and she weakly smile "Here, happy birthday again. Thanks for the food and accompany" she handed a small peach colored box and Chaeyoung opens it and she saw a lapel pin that has a cub design on it. Chaeyoung can't stop from smiling that cause her dimples to show up. Mina jolted because the cub hug her tightly and Mina froze in her place. She is praying to all the gods that she wants the time to be stop for the moment, she want to cherish the moment as Chaeyoung hug her, Mina's heart is beating so fast please don't let Chaeyoung hear this.

The hug last long and she whisper in Mina's ear "Thank you Minari, I'll wear this" Chaeyoung pulls herself from the hug and she pinch Mina's cheek don't blush don't blush Mina turns around "I'll get going bye" and she ran inside her apartment.

As she enter her flat Mina squealed as she hug her pillow to scream, she put her right hand on her heart that is beating fast.

"Son Chaeyoung why are you like this? Sometimes you are cool, sometimes you are pissing me off and annoying and sometimes you are..cute?" Mina squealed again in her place, you gave me a roller coaster feeling Chaeyoung and i love it"

- ; -

On the other hand Chaeyoung is walking away with a smile on her face. She felt that her phone is ringing and she answer it.

"Heyyy Lisa"

"Where are you Chaeyoung? Do you want me to pick you up? Text me the address"

"Yeah sure"

Chaeyoung text Lisa and a moment of waiting the car arrived. Chaeyoung hops in the car and she can't stop smiling and Lisa find it weird. Lisa looks at the rear view while driving the car "Chaeyoung did you drink? How many bottles did you drink?" Chaeyoung looks to her and she laugh "No i did not drink" Lisa looks to her back "Then why are you smiling like that it creeps me out" Chaeyoung change her facial expression to a poker face one "Mind your own business, focus on the road I still want to live and marry her" Lisa pulls the car and she laugh and Chaeyoung panics "Hey! why did you pull over??" The brunette haired girl looks to the cub "Chaeyoung is that really you? why are you saying things like that" Chaeyoung sees Lisa starting again the engine "I don't know. It's just i really like her."

Chaeyoung arrived in her apartment, she seats in a couch in her living room she opens the box and she caress it.

"I'll keep this forever" and she smile.

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