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Woah congrats to your successful
Game launching.


And also congrats because you
Confess to Mina. That's cute 🥰


Chaeyoung, i'm giving you a last warning.
Resign as a ceo and give it to me the spiel or i'll take Mina and your friends.


Don't you ever bring Mina and
also my friend into this mess. Who the fuck are you?!


It doesn't matter who am I.
Your game -100 have a serious problem
When it comes to its software.


Oh crap i spoil the real tea


Hatsuko, if this is you.
I'll never forgive you. You fucking hell.


Chaeyoung-ssi I said from the very
First place don't trust those people who
Surrounds you. You stubburn little human.


And also, Just one touch to the button
Your life will restart.


Hahaha 😊


I'll never resign as a ceo in spiel and I won't.. i won't give it to you the -100.


If I know who you are I'm going to kill you, Don't you ever touch my Mina and my friends.


Wswsws. Tick tock tick tock

Vladimir smile through his phone, Hatsuko enters Vladimir's room "you okay dude? What's the news? Or what are you watching?" Vladimir shook his head "nothing Hatsuko, can we eat outside?" Vladimir turns off his phone, Hatsuko nods "can you please go outside i'm going to change my clothes first" Hatsuko winks to Vladimir and he left the blue haired guy in the room.

While he was changing he can't stop smiling sorry hatsuko you lost Chaeyoung's trust, I need to do it he thought. A knock on the door heard inside Vladimir's room "Vlad! It's your treat right?! Faster!" Vladimir chuckled "yes it's my treat, coming!"

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