89 'Narrative'

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Chaeyoung decided to ditch the office and travel somewhere in Seoul. She knows that if she tells to Lisa about this Lisa will call Vinn and he will probably stop her. Vinn keeps on calling Chaeyoung but the girl just declined it. Afternoon came, the cub decides to stroll and roam around Seoul. In order to not get caught she change her clothes she opens her cabinet and she change her clothes into something comfortable. She wears a black hoodie jacket, ripped pants and white Gucci shoes and she grabs her keys and she left her apartment.

Chaeyoung hit the gas and she roams around in Hongdae to Gangnam the girl eats alone, many people are looking to her but she didn't mind she keeps on eating on her own, buy clothes on her own, and travel on her own.

Sun is setting she hopped in her car and she goes back in Han river. While she is driving she look to her right where the river is clearly seen while on the horizon, sky is shading orange and the clouds are seems to be lazy, the beautiful rays of sunset hitting on her face. The cub pulls over her car and she hopped off, while she is walking towards the river she take off her hoodie and she seats under the tree.

Aaah this is so peaceful

Chaeyoung rest her back in the tree as she take a deep breathe and exhale it. After an hour of resting Chaeyoung felt that there's something wrong in her place. It feels like there's someone watching her, she secretly roams her eyes she looks to her right first and her suspicion is correct. There's a man standing 30 meters away and he is standing behind the bus stop, he is wearing black cap and a leather jacket. The cub close her eyes and she take a deep sigh, she opens her eyes and this time she looks to her left. There are 2 men inside a coffee shop and they are both glancing in Chaeyoung's place.

The cub stood up and she acted that she is stretching, she looks to her left where the two men looking for her but this time the two person are gone, the next thing happened is they are now running in Chaeyoung's place. She jolted and she sprint she doesn't care to those people that she encounter. She passed by the man who is standing in the bus stop he tried to reach Chaeyoung's broad shoulder but the girl removes her jacket and runs again at her fully speed. She looks to her back and she gasped because they are already 4.

Chaeyoung turns right and this time she is in a narrow road where she run for her life. She sprint again, people are looking to her, as well to those men who are trying to chase Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung takes a turn again in a narrow road and she hide behind the payphone room. Sweat takes over her body, She takes a big gulp and she is panting. She heard the voice of the Men

"Where is she?!?"

"We can't find him sir she is too small to find"

She puts her hand in her knees to take a break first, she take a peek outside and she see that the men are already gone. When she felt that her body is ready to run again she left the payphone room and she starts to run again.

Chaeyoung keeps on looking to her back to make sure that the men aren't following her until she bumped into someone.

"OUCH!! Can't you see that the road is wide!!!"

Chaeyoung immediately stood up while still looking at the ground she takes off the dirt on her clothes. "Hey I'm talking to you. Can't you see this?? You are the reason why i have bruised!!!" Chaeyoung looks to the girl and her eyes widen and also to the girl who keeps on blabbering.



Mina froze as she see Chaeyoung and she is very different because the last time that she saw Chaeyoung is that the girl looks neat and presentable. Her hair is very messy, her clothes are dirty, and she is full of sweat.

"What happened to you? I thought you are in France?" Chaeyoung nods and she is still panting so hard she looks into Mina's eyes "Long story, okay?"

Chaeyoung froze when she heard the men are in her back she immediately pull Mina and she hugs her. Mina's world became slow mo, the penguin wants to say something but she can't speak because of the sudden hug, there are so many things that she wants to ask but she let Chaeyoung hug her.

"Don't say anything" Chaeyoung whisper and it cause a shiver to her spine "Can we stay like this?" Mina mumbles and Chaeyoung Knitted her eyebrows "What?" Mina shook her head. The hug last long and Mina wishes that Chaeyoung's hug will be last forever. When Chaeyoung pulls the hug Mina felt like she doesn't want to let go but she needs to.

"Would you mind share it to me why you are here?" Mina acted that she takes off the dirt in her shirt. Chaeyoung saw what Mina did and she chuckled "I'm still smell so good" Mina rolls her eyes and she starts walking. After a while she halted and she looks to Chaeyoung "Stay in my apartment eat first and go home" Chaeyoung smiles widely and she follows Mina.

- ; -

"Sorry my room is a bit messy, please come in" Chaeyoung enters the apartment and she roams her eyes in Mina's room, while she is roaming her eyes there's a thing that captures in her eyes, she sees a different paintings and sculpture in every corner of the penguin's house "Do you like paintings?" Mina puts the grocery in the kitchen bar table and hummed. The cub seats on the couch "good to know that because me too. I like paintings" Mina laughs and she seat beside Chaeyoung "What do you like about paintings?" the cub looks to Mina "Colors, Vibrant colors specially when you stare to them it feels like you are already trapped in another world" she chuckled, Chaeyoung fix her seating position which she can see Mina and she looks into Mina's eyes "Just like yours, I'm already trapped in your own World." Chaeyoung softly smiles. Mina looks into Chaeyoung with a surprise.

Chaeyoung held Mina's hand "Mina, can we start from the beginning?" Mina can't hide her smile and she caress Chaeyoung's cheek "yes Chaeyoung." and they laugh.



MiChaeng Breathe today ksfjksdmf.

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