I blushed.

"Damn girl you look bomb... out here not even looking like you have a two month old," Cheyenne said.

"Thanks Cheyenne," I smiled.

"Zoey you need my card?" Caleb asked.

"I have my own money but thanks," I said.

I said bye to Cheyenne and Caleb and left with Dominic.

Dominic and I got in his car and headed to where ever he was having his birthday gathering.

"I see Caleb is no different from his buddy Evan. Throwing his money around to keep you on a tight leash. I'm still surprised you gave up your apartment to move into his mansion," Dominic said as he drove off the property.

"I only moved in with Caleb for my daughter's sake. So we can co-parent. Besides my cousin lives with us so it's a roommate situation not him trying to throw money at me," I said.

"Keep telling yourself that. I'm surprised he let you leave the house. He seemed kind of pissed... also what was with that comment about needing his card?" Dominic said.

"Caleb just wants to make sure I'm good," I said.

"Sure..." Dominic said with an eye roll.

"Can we stop talking about Caleb and focus on why I'm even out tonight. Happy birthday," I said.

"Thank you. Where's my gift," Dominic said.

"My presence is your present duh," I joked.

Dominic chuckled.

"Alright I'll take that because I'm in the presence of a goddess," Dominic flirted.

I blushed.

I had a good feeling about tonight.

Momma was gonna let loose.

Caleb P.O.V.

"He's such a smug bastard! And did you see what she was wearing! It's like she wore it just to tease me!" I ranted.

I stood pacing the living room floor as Cheyenne sat on the couch eating popcorn listening to me.

"We don't even need to watch Netflix. This right here is way more entertaining," Cheyenne laughed at me.

"It's not funny! I shouldn't have let her leave the house dressed like that to go anywhere with a guy like him! He's going to take advantage or her now that she wants to be single," I said frustrated.

"Caleb you are a man he is a joke. I've seen guys like him before. He just wants to smash and Zoey likes the attention," Cheyenne said.

"You think she'd sleep with him?" I asked nervously.

"Hell no. He's a clown and if he thinks he can sweet talk her out of her thong tonight he has another thing coming," Cheyenne said confidently.

"How are you so sure?" I asked.

"Just trust me. Zoey is not thinking about him in the way he might be thinking about her," Cheyenne said.

"Fuck why does she do this to me! She drives me crazy!" I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Caleb you need to be the guy you were when she first met you. I'm not talking about being an addict again. But be smooth. Cool. Confident. This chasing after her like a sick puppy is not attractive. I mean it's sweet to see you so soft for her. But grow some balls and man up. Move on and do you and if it's meant to be it'll be. But please stop trying to force it. I mean it's not a good look on you," Cheyenne said.

"I've never been so fucking whipped off a woman before... I just can't seem to snap out of it," I said.

"Well snap out of it and get it together. You're forty right," Cheyenne said.

"No! I've got three more years before I'm that old. Stop trying to age me," I chuckled.

"Stop trippin! It's not like if you were forty I was saying you were old. I was just trying to state you're mature and sexy," Cheyenne said.

"You think I'm sexy," I smirked.

"Oh don't go getting a big head, big head," Cheyenne laughed.

I laughed and went to sit down beside Cheyenne.

I grabbed some popcorn out of her bowl and she pulled the bowl away from me.

"Nope. Make your own. You already wasted an hour of our movie watching time," Cheyenne said as she grabbed the remote.

I got up to go make my own popcorn.

Cheyenne and I ended up watching this horrible comedy movie on Netflix. Zoey was right Cheyenne shouldn't be in charge of picking movies. She has horrible taste.

"This movie sucks!" I laughed.

"Well had you not wasted the first hour of our movie watching time you could have chosen the movie. So hush with the complaining," Cheyenne said.

"So why are you single again," I joked.

"Don't even try me! I'm single because I'm sick of fuck boys," Cheyenne said.

"I feel you. I was a fuck boy we suck," I joked.

"I'm glad to see the fuck boy finally turned into a man," Cheyenne smiled.

The movie ended and Cheyenne started to scroll for another movie to watch.

"Nope it's my turn to pick," I said as I snatched the remote out of her hand.

"Oh no you didn't! Boy give me back that remote," Cheyenne said.

"If you want it come get it," I challenged.

Cheyenne didn't even hesitate.

She reached for the remote and I held it away from her.

She tried stretching her arm as much as she could but couldn't reach. I laughed and she huffed.

She put her bowl of popcorn down and crawled over me. She placed her hand on my thigh as she stretched up and got the remote.

"Men! I swear y'all play way too much and at the wrong time," Cheyenne said as she moved back.

She moved off me and went back to scrolling.

I looked over at her and kind of took a longer look than I had ever taken before.

Cheyenne is pretty. She's the same height and weight as Zoey. They are just different complexions. Cheyenne also is one of those women who doesn't even have to try with makeup and hair because she just seems naturally pretty.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Cheyenne asked as she looked over at me.

"Was I staring?" I asked still not looking away.

"Yeah you were and still are. It's kind of creepy so stop," Cheyenne said.

"Sorry," I said as I cleared my throat and got up.

I told her I needed to get something to drink and went into the kitchen.

"Get me a coke while you're in there!" Cheyenne called out.

I grabbed two sodas from the fridge and headed back to the living room.

I sat down and handed her, her drink.

"Thanks," she said as her arm grazed mine.

"No problem," I said awkwardly as I cleared my throat again.

Cheyenne and I watched movies until I don't know when.

Hanging out with Cheyenne kind of helped me get my mind off Zoey for the night. Cheyenne was fun and I was enjoying the time we were spending together.

She's like family to me now so it was nice that we were kind of forming this new bond with each other. 

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