Chapter 64

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

Caleb opened my door and I got out of my car. I grabbed my purse and he shut the door.

"I still haven't given you the keys to this ride back..." I said as we headed towards the elevator.

"Keep it for now... I can't have the possible mother of my child car-less," Caleb joked.

When Caleb got me the G-Wagon I sold my old car.

But if he really wanted his car back I'd have to start all over again buying myself a new one. I'd do it if I had to but I really didn't want to. I love the car Caleb had bought me back when we were dating.

Caleb and I rode the elevator up to the OB/GYN office.

"Is it weird that I'm nervous," I said.

"Nervous about what?" Caleb asked.

"Nervous to hear the heartbeat. Nervous for all this to become super real," I said.

"Well don't be nervous. I'll be right there with you," Caleb smiled as he reached for my hand.

It was comforting having Caleb here with me. I really appreciated him putting his hurt aside to be here for my pregnancy.

The elevator stopped and Caleb and I stepped out of it.

We walked down the hallway and approached the doctor's office.

He opened the door for me and I walked in.

The second I walked in I noticed Stewart sitting in the waiting room.

Caleb dropped my hand and I turned back to look at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you invited him here too?" Caleb accused.

"I didn't invite him," I said.

Stewart looked up from his phone and saw me.

He looked happy until he saw Caleb.

He got up and came towards us.

"What is he doing here?" Stewart questioned angrily.

"The better question is what are you doing here? How did you even know I was going to be here? I didn't tell you about my appointment," I said.

"Did you forget who found you this doctor?" Stewart asked.

"That still doesn't explain how you knew I had an appointment today," I said.

"Well when I made your first appointment I told the nurse to keep my number on file and remind me of any future appointments. Since I'm the father I want to be here during every stage of this pregnancy. You know I have a busy work schedule so I needed to make sure to prioritize any appointments you have," Stewart explained.

"You hope you're the father," Caleb said irritated, under his breath.

"What was that Caleb? Why is he even here Zoey?" Stewart asked taking a step closer.

I quickly got between Caleb and Stewart.

I wouldn't have round two happening in the middle of this waiting room.

"Caleb is here because I want him here! Stewart I already told you either one of you could be the father," I said.

"Yeah but I think we both know I'm more likely to be the father. I mean he had to be shooting blanks considering his drug use. I wouldn't be surprised if his sperm count was super low," Stewart said being mean.

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