Chapter 70

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

After a night of drinking and feeling sorry for myself I decided to go to a meeting the next morning.

I almost did coke last night.

Courtney had it right there for me and I could have took it. But I didn't.

Instead I let her give me head when I should have said no to that too.

In the moment if felt good but it didn't make me feel better over all. I still felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.

Zoey and I are really over. She's really having Stewart's baby and I have to accept that we weren't meant to be.

I sat in the back of the meeting listening to people tell their stories. Olivia wasn't here today and it kind of sucked not having her here.

After my meeting I went to the gym to work out and tried to clear my mind.

All I could think about was Zoey and her baby and I hated that.

I know it's going to take me time to move on from her but I wondered how long it would actually take. I don't know how much more of this heartache I can take in a sober state.

Zoey P.O.V.

I was at the office working even though Jasmine was out of town for the next few days with her family.

It must be nice to own your own business and have a rich husband. She can just pick up and go on a family vacation whenever she feels like it.

Here I was just trying to figure out how I was going to survive a pregnancy with Stewart.

After he hit me and I kicked him out of my apartment he had texted me all night apologizing.

Saying he loves me and didn't mean to hurt me. Saying he lost his temper and regretted his actions.

I didn't respond to a single message.

I sat at my desk typing up an email when someone walked through the front door.

I looked up because I heard the door open.

I saw Stewart walk in and immediately I grabbed my cell phone off my desk.

I stood up and he walked in holding flowers.

"I will call the police Stewart! What are you doing here?" I shouted.

"I come in peace. I brought you flowers," he said as he approached me.

"I don't want them!" I said angrily.

"Now Zoey don't be like that. I apologized multiple times for what happened yesterday," Stewart said.

"What happen yesterday was you hit me! Say it Stewart! Admit what you did," I shouted.

Stewart sat the flowers on my desk and took a step towards me.

I took a step back and he grabbed my wrist pulling me up against his body.

"Stop it let go! Don't you dare touch me!" I shouted trying to get out of his hold.

"Zoey I was upset by what you said. Do you not understand how it was hurtful hearing the words you said to me?" Stewart asked.

"All I said was I didn't love you! I don't love Caleb either if it makes you feel any better! Stewart I don't know what love is! So I can't tell a man I love him when I don't know what that feels like," I clarified.

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