But we've also been keeping our distance if we weren't at the hospital. So now living in the same home scared me.

I don't want for us to have any issues.

"Well I think I'll head up to my room and unpack," I said.

"Ok... Let me take this box up there for you," Caleb said.

Caleb grabbed the box he had set down and we headed out of the kitchen.

We walked upstairs and went to my room.

My room was a nice size. Hell it was almost as big as my last apartment. I had a nice size closet and my own bathroom.

We walked into my bedroom and Caleb sat the box down.

I had so much unpacking to do.

"Well I'll let you settle in," Caleb said before he left my bedroom.

He closed the door behind him and I started unpacking.

Maybe living here with him won't be so bad.

If he respects my boundaries I think things will be fine.

Caleb P.O.V.

"I'll help with those," I said as I walked over to help Cheyenne with the dishes.

Since it was Cheyenne and Zoey's first night in the house we ordered pizza for dinner.

They had agreed to move in with me and I was trilled. I knew now that at least they'd be safe from Stewart and I'd also have my daughter under my roof when she leaves the hospital.

I had dropped my custody case against Zoey and since then we haven't argued.

We've mainly kept things about Cecilia and that's it. I've been giving her her space.

I feel like we're in a good place finally and will be able to co-parent well once Cecilia is released.

"I'm going to shower," Zoey said as she left the kitchen.

Zoey had been a little extra quiet today. I didn't want to push for conversation if she wasn't up for it so I let her be.

"Is everything ok with Zoey?" I asked.

"She's fine. She's just adjusting to all this. You know we didn't grow up like this right," Cheyenne said.

"I know. But I didn't think this would be some huge stock to her system. I mean she knows I have money and knew I bought a home that would be perfect to raise our daughter in," I said.

"I think the whole family concept is still something Zoey's trying to wrap her head around," Cheyenne said.

"I get that and I'm letting her adjust in her own time," I said.

"I see that and I think you're doing great. But have you also considered accepting that she might never want to be a family... like get back together with you romantically?" Cheyenne asked.

"Yeah I've started to accept that," I said.

"So living with her isn't going to make you want more?" Cheyenne asked.

"Zoey made it clear she wants us to keep things friendly and nothing more. I have to respect that if I want her to stay. Right now all I care about is making sure everything is ready for Cecilia when we can finally bring her home," I said.

"She's such a cute baby girl. I bet you'll be the overprotective dad once she's a teenager," Cheyenne laughed.

"My baby girl will be going to school and coming home. No dating, no talking to boys," I said sternly.

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