I was going to go pick up Zoey's favorite take out then go to the hospital. Maybe today she'd be in a better mood and we could talk and I could meet the baby.

Zoey P.O.V.

"She's gorgeous even though she's so tiny," Dominic said.

"I know. She's a little angel isn't she? She gained a pound you know. Things are looking up," I said happily.

After two weeks of visiting my daughter every day all day she was finally getting a bit stronger. She had gained a pound and that was a small victory.

Cheyenne came with me when she could but she did have work and a life of her own to get back to.

When Dominic called me to check in I told him what happened and he insisted on coming to visit me in the hospital.

I allowed him to come visit and he was so nice.

He had brought me a baby basket full of things for my newborn. It was so kind and thoughtful of him.

I knew when my little girl was able to go home she'd love everything he got her.

"Have you been able to hold her yet?" Dominic asked.

"No. They want to keep her in the incubator and not exposed right now. I'm fine with that though. As long as my little girl is getting healthy I'll wait as long as it takes to hold her," I said as I just admired my little girl sleeping.

"Have you eaten?" Dominic asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Well how about I take you down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. Then we can come back and check on the little one," Dominic suggested.

I didn't really want to leave my baby girl but I knew I wouldn't be able to take care of her if I didn't take care of myself.

"Ok. But lets make this quick," I said as I got up.

I went with Dominic down to the cafeteria.

We got a couple sandwiches and bags of chips. I got a water while he got a soda.

We sat down and started to eat as we caught up.

"So how is business at the gym?" I asked.

"It's good. Real busy," he said.

"That's good," I said.

"My offer still stands for a free training appointment," he said.

"Thanks but it's going to be a while before I'm ready to leave her and go to the gym," I said.

"I know. The offer doesn't have an expiration date," he said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

Dominic and I finished up our food and after we were done I was ready to go back and sit with my baby girl.

As we left the cafeteria and walked down the hallway I saw Caleb walking up the opposite direction.

What in the hell was he doing here?

"Zoey-" Caleb started.

"What are you doing here Caleb?" I asked cutting him off.

"I brought you food and came to talk. I want to see the baby," he said.

"Well first I've already eaten so I don't want any food you brought. Second you're not seeing my child," I said.

"Our child! You didn't make that baby on your own," Caleb spoke up.

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