I took the check.

"Look I'm sorry for tampering with the results. I know it was wrong and I should have just gone to my boss or maybe even the police with this. But you live and you learn. Our systems are being updated and my boss came across the irregularity of your test results. I knew you might have come in wanting answers or at least a retest. I had two months to cash this check and I didn't. I'm sorry for my part in all this but please know I'm not a bad person I just made a bad decision," the woman apologized.

"So who is the father of my baby? What were the real results?" I asked.

"I think you know... but if you want proof I can get you a paper with the true results on it," the woman said.

The woman and I walked back into the office and she did go get me the accurate test results.

When I saw the results my heart dropped.

I felt sick.

I couldn't believe this.

Stewart P.O.V.

I heard loud frantic knocking at my front door.

I got out of bed and went to see who was here.

I had actually slept in this morning letting myself relax and now someone was here ruining my morning.

I got to the door and unlocked it.

I opened the door and was surprised to see what looked to be a furious Zoey.

"Zoey? Baby what's wrong? Is everything ok with the baby?" I asked.

"You mean is everything ok with CALEB'S BABY!" she shouted in my face.

"Zoey stop shouting and get inside," I said as I pulled her into my condo.

Zoey was furious she was pacing the floor mad as hell.

Oh shit!

What did she know?

"Zoey what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't play stupid with me Stewart! I know! I know everything you and your sick father did! Although your father's part in all this is the most fucked up and the most confusing part of it all! I really don't get why he'd want the results switched... but you! I can't believe you'd do this! Oh wait I actually can because you're a jealous bitter prick who has been using me against Caleb since the beginning!" Zoey ranted.

"Zoey calm down... just sit down.... We can talk about this. I don't know what you think you know but I-"

"Oh save it! I know everything! The woman at the lab confessed and even gave me your hush money proof!" Zoey said.

Zoey grabbed a check out of her purse and held it up.

"This look familiar to you Stewart!" she shouted as she threw the check at me.


"You are unbelievable! You hate Caleb that much for something I told you your sister did! You were willing to raise his fucking baby just so he'd never be in his own child's life! That's fucking sick!" Zoey shouted.

"If you would just sit down and listen! I can explain!" I said raising my voice.

"Listen to what! More lies! I want to buy us a house! I want to be a family! Maybe even get married! You sure would have liked that huh! Having Caleb's child calling you daddy and running around with your last name!" Zoey shouted.

"Yeah I would have!" I admitted.

Zoey stopped pacing and glared at me pissed.

"You fucking bastard! Wait until I tell Caleb about this! Oh and the police! You do know what you did is illegal right!" Zoey threatened.

"You think I'm scared of Caleb? Bitch please!" I said.

"You're such a dick! I can't believe I ever even liked you!" Zoey shouted.

"He took the love of my life away from me! He deserves this!" I shouted.

"Oh we're back to that crap! I already told you Stewart you're placing the blame where it doesn't belong! You're coked up sister pushed her bestie off that balcony in a jealous rage so deal with it!" Zoey shouted.

"NO SHE DIDN'T! I shouted as I backhanded Zoey in the face.

Zoey was caught off guard and lost her footing then fell back on my living room floor.

"You stupid bitch! Now look what you've made me do!" I shouted.

Zoey looked up at me and scrabbled to move back.

No she came in here all big and bad ready to fight.

Well lets fight!

"Don't run now!" I said as I caught her by her hair.

I gripped up a fist full of her hair and pulled her up to my waist.

"You should have just left well enough alone. I really thought you would have just let me fix all this! You know handle things like I wanted to," I said

"Stewart let me go," Zoey said weakly.

"No! I think you need to learn some manners! Learn how to appreciate a man willing to give you everything! I was going to by you a house, give you a ring, help you raise that coke head bastard's baby!" I shouted as I threw Zoey's head back.

She fell to the floor.

I kicked her stomach.

"Look he doesn't get a happy ending! He doesn't get to get clean, have a girlfriend, and a baby! While I have nothing! I HAVE NOTHING!" I shouted.

I kicked Zoey again in her stomach as she made a whimper noise.

"All I wanted was to be with Kyla but no! I didn't get that! Then I meet you! I treat you so fucking well! Way better than he did in the beginning! He cheated on you with any girl willing to lift up their skirt! He got high behind your back and you didn't even notice! He even got rough with you and you still couldn't stay away! You obviously like being in pain and mistreated so I'm here to help you feel it!" I shouted.

"Ste...Stewart don't!" she begged weakly.

"Don't what! Make you loose his baby!" I said as I kicked her in her face making her head go back.

I saw her nose bleeding as she held her stomach in pain on the floor.

"That baby is the only thing you have to get him back! You know it! If it weren't for that baby he would have left you the second he found out we were fucking behind his back! Remember that Zoey! Remember all the different ways you'd bend that ass over for me like a little whore! All the different ways you let me fuck that pussy of yours raw!" I shouted angrily.

"Stewart I'm sorry... please..." Zoey said weakly.

"You're not sorry! YOU ARE NOT SORRY ZOEY!" I shouted as I gripped her up by her hair again.

I lifted her head up and got her to look at me.

"You walked in here all hot headed like a bad bitch ready to do something! Well do something! DO SOMETHING ZOEY!" I shouted.

She was just weak and helpless.

She honestly looked so pathetic.

"That's what I fucking thought!" I said exhausted.

I let go of her hair and let her head hit the coffee table.

Zoey fell unconscious on my living room floor all bloody and bruised.

I took a step back seeing her helpless pregnant body just lying there.

Suddenly I felt myself snap out of my fit of rage.

I looked at Zoey again and realized what I'd done.

I started to cry as I looked at her seeing her looking just as helpless as Kyla did the night she died. 

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