"Stewart..." I warned.

"Zoey I'm serious. I could get us a nice house... one we can raise a family in. Just imagine spending the day with our child or children... me coming home at night to cook dinner for you guys. Us having family dinners then cleaning up together afterward. Spending time just relaxing after getting the kids ready for bed. Reading the kids bedtime stories then putting them to sleep. Getting alone time to discuss our days then getting a little intimate time before going to sleep ourselves. Zoey I would give you a good life," Stewart said.

What Stewart was saying did sound nice.

I never had that kind of childhood growing up. I didn't grow up in the kind of household where dinner was ready when I got home or where the parents spent quality time with the child. I didn't have siblings either so life was kind of lonely.

When I went to live with Cheyenne and her mother life got better but I feel I'd already been tainted by the life I lived with my parents. I was just disconnected from everything. So by the time I lived with my cousin and aunt I had low expectations.

"Stewart I'm not the housewife type... I don't know how to be the woman you need," I said.

"Zoey you're everything I need and want. Never have I wanted to change you. Have I ever once said you aren't good enough?" Stewart asked.

"No but your father made it clear I wasn't good enough to be apart of your family. Stewart how do you really see creating a family with me going? Our child or as you said children wouldn't have grandparents on either side or aunts and uncles. Your sister is a stripper who does drugs. Your brother sells drugs. Your father's a racist and I'm sure there has to be something wrong with your mother that you've just not told me yet," I said.

"Who needs them... we can give our child enough love ourselves," Stewart said as he stopped rubbing my feet.

Stewart moved me and pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Can I be honest with you," I said.

"Of course I always want us to be honest with each other," Stewart said.

"I'm scared. I'm scared to have this child. Stewart I don't know how to love a baby or be a parent. I really don't want to fuck this baby's life up," I said vulnerable.

"Zoey when you give birth to our child it will all come naturally trust me. Your motherly instincts will kick in and I know you'll be a great mother," Stewart said encouragingly.

"Thank you," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I hugged Stewart and he hugged me back.

I pulled back slowly and locked eyes with him. He looked down at my lips and licked his lips.

I leaned into him and brushed my lips over his.

Stewart held me tight and kissed me.

I kissed him for a moment then pulled away.

"Your stuff is still here... you could stay the night... we don't even have to do anything," Stewart said.

"If I stay the night I think we both know we'll be tempted..." I said.

"So what's wrong with that? If we make love what would be wrong with that?" Stewart said as he pecked my lips.

"Stewart I need to stop clouding my judgment with sex. As much as it feels good I need to be more resistant to letting my body do the talking... you know," I said.

"Zoey I love you and never feel like when we make love it's just you giving yourself away to some random man. Don't be hard on yourself and make yourself feel guilty for enjoying the pleasure sex brings you. It should be pleasurable," Stewart said as he pecked my lips again.

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