Monty (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: DKembi

I've been dating my boyfriend Montgomery for about four months now, and let me tell you it's been the best four months of my life.

He's kind, caring, funny, and takes me out of my comfort zone from time to time which is what I love about it.

He told me he loved me about a month ago and I felt so happy. But since then I've been getting some anxiety when we're alone together ever since a past conversation with my best friend Jessica.


"So..." Jessica smirked at me as she stood next to my locker.

"'So' what?" I asked her confused as I filled my backpack with books.

"Have you and Monty had sex yet?"

I choked, "way to be subtle, Jess."

She laughed as I closed my locker, "sorry, I just figured it's been four months now. And, he's told you he loves you," she responded. We walked down the hall and to the one of the side exits of the school, "sex always comes after the 'I love you' stage of a relationship."

"Does not," I scoffed, crossing through the school parking lot.

"Yes it does, it happened with me and Justin, and with Sheri and her boyfriend," she explained. "It's a basic rule of a relationship. That is of course if you hook up before dating, but that's different."

I rolled my eyes at her not wanting to give into her stories. Although, I was already beginning to get stressed out just from her telling me that "sex is a basic rule of a relationship after the I love you stage".

Is Monty expecting us to have sex now that we've told each other that we love one another?

"I don't think I'm ready to have sex with him yet, Jessica," I admitted.

Jessica stops in her tracks and looks at me, "what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," I mumbled looking down at my feet.

"I thought you hooked up with that guy Jonah over the summer at Bryce's party?" She asked me confused.

I shook my head, "I got too scared."

"So you're still a virgin?" She asked me.

I nodded in response, too embarrassed to say anything else.

Jessica looked at me sympathetically, "shit I'm sorry, Y/N. If I had have known I wouldn't have said anything."

I shook my head, "don't be, now I know what Monty might be expecting from me soon."

End of Flashback

Now was one of those times where I was alone with Monty.

I was snuggled up to him watching a movie with the lights dimmed so there was a dark orange hue lighting up the room.

I had a feeling Monty might try something tonight. I don't know what but I've been nervous since he got here. Monty has been with a lot of girls meaning he's experienced in the whole sex thing, whereas I am not. Not at all.

I was right though about one thing.

Monty brought his hand down to rest on my thigh.

I looked up at him casually, trying not to make it look like a big deal. He just smiled and then leaned down and starting to kiss me.

I kissed back and it soon turned into a heat make out session. He placed his hands on my hips and lifted me up to sit on his lap as he began to bring his lips down to my neck, leaving small hickeys.

I could feel his hands start to roaming my body and that's when my breathing hitched, but Monty didn't notice.

He kissed me again, but this time rougher than the last, but I still kissed back.

His hands went to the hem of my shirt and as soon as I felt the cool air hit my stomach I pulled away and jumped off of his lap.

"I can't do this," I blurted out.

Monty looked startled and confused, "what do you mean?" He asked. "What's wrong, Y/N?"

"I—I just—I haven't..." I couldn't get the words to leave my mouth.

Monty seemed to understand though.

"You haven't had sex before is what you mean?" He asked softly.

I nodded like I had done during my conversation with Jessica. I didn't want to say anything else.

I fumbled with my hands and kept my gaze at the floor, not wanting to look at Monty. I was so embarrassed.

"Baby," Monty spoke up. "Y/N, baby, it's okay."

I looked over at him slightly, "are you sure?"

He smiled softly and moved to lift me up onto his lap again, "of course it's okay," he told me, running his thumb against my cheek. I buried my head into his neck as he wrapped his arms around me, "I don't want you to feel pressured into doing it if you don't want to, Y/N. I'll wait as long as you need to feel ready, baby. You just let me know."

   "I want to now, I just—I don't know what to do or how to do it," I mumbled embarrassed.

   Monty brought me off of his lap and stood up, reaching his hand out for me to take.

   "Where are we going?"

   "To your bedroom," he said. "If this is going to be your first time it's not going to be on a couch," he explained with a soft smile.

   I grabbed his hand and stood up, following him upstairs to my room.

   He closed the door behind us and stood in front of me.

   "Can I take off your shirt?" He asked me quietly, all of a sudden seeming nervous too.

   I nodded, "yeah," I said just above a whisper

   Monty carefully lifted up my shirt, the cool air hitting my stomach. Monty dropped the shirt to the floor and stared at my body lovingly.

   I felt slightly embarrassed again, being the fact that I was now almost half naked in front of him for the first time. I covered my stomach with my arms but Monty stopped me seconds after.

   "Don't even think about covering up, Y/N. You're too beautiful for that," Monty cooed. "Okay, now go lay on your bed," he told me.

   I obeyed, walking over to my bed and laying down.

   Monty did the same and gently moved so he was holding himself above me.

   "I'm just going to go slow okay?" He said as more of a question. "Just let me know if it feels okay or if you want me to stop okay, baby? I just want you to feel comfortable."

   I smiled lightly, "okay."

   And with that, Monty leaned down and kissed me.

Sorry this took me so long to post :(

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