Justin (Imagine)

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You're pregnant and he thinks you're cheating on him.

   Positive... it can't be. I can't be pregnant. Not now, not at 18.

   I stared at the small stick in my hand and didn't know how to react. Of course I wanted kids but not now. Definitely not now.

   "Fuck," I mumbled as my eyes started to water. "I have to tell Justin."

   I already know how he'll react. He won't want it. I remember Justin telling me that he didn't know if he would ever want kids. He wanted to spend his life doing crazy shit and having no responsibility. Having a kid will take that away from him.

   J baby: hey babe, I'll be over in five minutes.

   Shit! I forgot he was coming over so I could help him with Bio.

   Me: okay, I'll see you soon xo doors unlocked

*********** five minutes later****

   "Y/N, I'm here!" Justin said running up the stairs to my room. When he saw my tear stained face he ran over to me, "hey what's wrong?"

   He wrapped his arms around me gently and I buried my head in his chest, "there's something I need to tell you," I sniffled.

   He pulled away and looked into my eyes, "what is it?"

   "I-I'm pregnant."

   He stood there shocked, not knowing how to respond.

   "It's not mine," he spat.

   "Are you saying I cheated? Justin, I would never do that to you," I cried.

   "Y/N, it's not fucking mine! We used protection!" He argued. A tear rolled down my cheek and I sat on my bed.

   "Condoms break J! They aren't always one hundred percent reliable!" I yelled back.

   Justin let out a sigh of anger, "you're a fucking liar, Y/N," he accused. "That's not my fucking kid and you're not my fucking girlfriend. We're done, have fun being a slut," he spat walking out of my room and leaving me alone in my house as I cried.

***************four years later****

   I wish I could say Justin came back days after that fight and apologized and then helped me raise our baby. But that's not what happened.

   That was the last time I saw Justin. After I told him, I told my parents and they pulled me out of school and let me take online classes.

   I didn't really keep in touch with any of my friends at school except Hannah, but after she died I didn't have anyone else.

   After I gave birth to my beautiful son Mason, I got a job as a waitress at small diner a town over from my house and became friends with the others who worked there.

   I was on my way to work and unfortunately because I can't afford daycare right now and no one I knew could watch Mason, I had to bring him to work with me today.

   I rushed into work with Mason in my arms and quickly made my way to the break room

Justin's POV

   I was at a small diner near my house with Zach, Monty, Bryce, and Alex waiting for someone to take our order, when Zach spoke up breaking our current conversation, "dude isn't that your ex Y/N?"

I turned around and watched as a girl who looked exactly like Y/N, rushed into the diner with a small child in her arms.

She put him down and patted his back lightly, "go find aunty Carla, Mas," she told the little boy.

The little boy ran to the break room and she sighed tiredly. She went behind the counter and grabbed a notepad and pen and walked over to our table.

"Hey, my names Y/N, I'll be your waitress today, can I-" she paused once she look up at us and saw me sitting at the table.

Your POV

When I looked up from my notepad and saw Justin sitting there I got choked up. All these years I never once saw him but the one time I bring Mas into work he's here.

"Can I take your order?" I said once I composed myself.

The boys began saying their order and once it was Alex's turn, Mason ran out from the break room and over to me.

"Mommy! Aunt Carla gave me candy!" Mason cheered excitedly as he smiled brightly holding up his lollipop.

"You have kid?" Bryce asked. I just nodded in response as all the guys looked at me shocked except Justin.

"That explains why you just disappeared for the rest of the year in grade twelve," Monty laughed. "Hey buddy!" He greeted, and smiled down at Mason.

"Hi," Mason said shyly hiding behind my leg.

"How old are you?" Zach asked Mas softly.

"Mas, love, these are mommy's friends, it's ok." I told him tugging at him gently from behind me. When Mason didn't answer I answered for him, "he's four."

Immediately after I said that Zach, Alex, Monty, and Bryce all stared at Justin.

"Is he yours?" Alex asked Justin.

I glared at Justin when he didn't answer the guys, "Mason, what's your last name bud?" Bryce asked.

Mason peaked out from behind me, "Foley," he whispered.

Tears began to fall from my eyes as all the boys sat there dumbfounded. I picked up Mason and ran to the break room.


After ten minutes I had calmed myself down and was about to go back out there when Justin walked into the room.

"He looks like me," he said looking at Mason.

"Well that's odd considering he's not yours," I scoffed referring to what Justin had said when I told him I was pregnant.

"Look I'm sorry, Y/N," Justin said taking a step closer to me. "I knew you would never cheat on me. I was just scared," he confessed.

I laughed bitterly, "you don't think I was scared too, Justin?!" I fought. "I was the one carrying the child! I was the one who had to plan out my future from there on when you decided not to stay!"

"I know, and I'm sorry."

"It's a little late for that, Justin," I said picking up Mason's toys that he threw on the break room floor.

Justin walked closer to me and connected his lips with mine. I tried to pull away but I gave in and kissed back.

After we pulled away Justin kept his hand on my cheek, "I still love you. And I want to help you. I want to be apart of your life and Mason's," he said.

I tear fell from my eye but Justin wiped it away, "ok." I whispered.

Justin smiled softly at me and kissed me once more. He then proceeded to over to Mason who was seated on the small couch.

"Hey buddy, I'm Justin. I'm your dad."

Mason's eyes lit up and he threw himself onto Justin. Justin held him tightly to his chest and kissed him on the head.

"I should probably go take the guys orders," I laughed slightly.

"I'll come," Justin said.

We walked back out there and once we got to the table Justin placed Mason down on the floor.

"Guys this is my girlfriend Y/N and our son Mason," Justin told the guys with a smile on his face.

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