Justin (Imagine)

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             Third Person POV
   "Please, please Sheri! Just buy me half a gram and I'll be fine!" Justin whined while hunched over the metal bucket on Clay's bedroom floor.

   "What makes you think I even know where to buy drugs?" Sheri laughed.

   "Well you know how to deal with withdrawal," he groaned.

   "My two roommates went through it and another one of my friends too," Sheri explained.

   Justin groaned in pain once more, "I'm fucking cold."

   "Well maybe if you stopped throwing off the blankets and listened to me you wouldn't be," she scolded laying another blanket on top of him. "I've got to leave in twenty minutes so I invited one of my friends to come watch you. She's been through withdrawal so she knows what she's doing."


   "Me. And you my friend look like absolute shit," a voice spoke up from outside of Clay's room. Both Sheri and Justin turned to the look at the doorway.


                      Your POV
   "Y/N?" Justin asked shocked.

   "Thank you so much,Y/N. Anyway I gotta run. See ya later!" Sheri said rushing out the door.

   I waved goodbye and then sat down next to Justin.

   "Sheri said that you've been through withdrawal before," Justin mumbled. "There's no way, you're like the most goody-two-shoes at Liberty."

   "Well apparently not," I chuckled. "I've been through it three times," I sighed.

   Justin's eyes widened and he sat up straight, "from what?"

   I looked down and fumbled with the rings on my fingers, a habit I've acquired since I was young, "cocaine."


I nodded, "mhmm."

"But I never saw you high?" He said in a questionable tone.

"Cause you only ever saw me at school," I clarified. "I was rarely ever high at school. I would get like a bit high at around three in the morning, it wore off around nine, and then immediately after school I'd race home and get high," I explained.

"Holy fu-" as Justin was about finished his sentence he leaned over and puked into the bucket.

Once he was done he sat up again, "feeling better?" I asked.

He let out a loud painful groan, "fuck no. How long does this last?"

"Days, or months depending on the drug."

"How'd you get into cocaine? You literally never go to parties or hangout with junkies," Justin stated.

I began to tell him the story about the week I went to visit my cousins who lived in Boston.

It was May of my grade nine year. My parents booked a week trip to go up to my aunt and uncles house for my cousin Seth's birthday.

I was close with Seth and so on the third day in Boston he invited me to go to his friends "small" get together.

It ended up being a huge ass party that I couldn't get out of. That's where I was introduced to my new lifeline: cocaine. Of course I didn't know it at the time.

When someone introduces you to a drug you always tell yourself that it's a one time thing and you won't get addicted. That's what I told myself. And yet it took me two years to fully recover from my addiction.

After the party and the trip to Boston we went back home and I immediately went around to every allyway looking for someone who would sell me cocaine.

Once I found someone, my addiction took full control. I was high all the time but rarely during school. There was a few times when I was high during school hours but usually I would skip class so no one knew. And no one ever suspected me of doing any sort of drug because like Justin said: I was a goody-two-shoes.

One day in March when we were in grade ten, Sheri found me completely high out of my mind under the bleachers during third period.

She brought me to her house and that's where I went through my first withdrawal.

It only took me two weeks to relapse. After five months Sheri tried to help me again but I got so angry with her that I started to hit her and call her names. That withdrawal was bad. I got so violent that I was even scared of myself sometimes. I was in so much pain. But I relapsed again.

In December of grade eleven I had runaway for two weeks and when I came back Sheri had told my parents about what was going on. They sent me to an actual rehab facility and that's where I became sober; for real this time.

"Shit, I had no idea," Justin replied softly.

"Cause I never told anyone. My parents were so ashamed and I had Sheri promise to not tell anyone," my voice began to quiver. I had never actually talked to anyone about this except my parents and Sheri. Of course I had a therapist in rehab but they had to listen.

A few tears fell from my eyes but I wiped them away. Justin moved closer to me until he was right beside me. I could tell her was still in a lot of pain but he was trying not to show it.

He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned against him, "you know what I think?" He asked. I let out a hum in response, "I think you are one of the strongest people I know."

I smiled up at him, "really?"

"One hundred percent."

"Thanks Justin," I replied. "Now tell me, how come you are comforting me when you're the one who needs to be taken care of?" I laughed.

"Not a da-" he puked again.

I patted his back, "yeah, you're gonna have to get used to this. It only gets worse from here dude. Have fun while it lasts," I chuckled.

He kept his head just above the bucket, not looking at and gave me the finger. Once he sat back up I threw a bottle of the medicine that Sheri brought for him and handed him the Gatorade.

   "So what's gonna happen with you and Jess?" I questioned.

Pretend that Jess no longer has any interest in him for this Imagine.

   "Clay said that she's happy that I'm back but I know he's lying. Tony told me she never wants to see me again," he whispered. "But I think that's ok because I'm realizing that our relationship was turning toxic."

   I shook my head, "well that's her loss. If someone was getting sober and off of drugs for me I would give them another chance," I stated.

   Justin looked over at me and before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine. After a couple seconds I pulled away.

   "I-I'm sorry, Y/N," Justin stammered and moved away from me slightly.

   I moved closer to him, "it's fine, I just think that for right now you should think about what you really want. Ya know, before you really decide to not go back to Jess," I tell him. "And maybe once you've been clean a little longer," I laughed lightly.

   Justin nodded, "yeah you're right."

   "But, if later on you do come to the realization that you're over Jess and you're clean, I'm willing to give you a shot," I clarified.

   He smiled, "okay."

   "Now how about we play a game of cards?" I suggested while standing up.

   "Why should we? I already know I'm gonna win," he said cockily while smirking.

   "Ha in your dreams," I scoffed playfully giving him a helping hand off of the ground. "I'm gonna best you're ass, Foley."

Is it just me or is season 2 wayyyyy better than season 1.
And how does Justin still look hot while being a homeless junkie???

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