Justin Pt.1 (Imagine)

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          *Y/N is Justin's sister*

   When Justin and I were born, our dad wasn't in the picture, and up until we were six our mom was a perfectly sober and responsible mother...that was until she met Seth.

   Our mom spent her days with Seth getting high and watching him abuse Justin and I.

   When I turned thirteen I got in contact with our dad. I went to live with him without Justin because he thought our dad was an asshole for leaving us and wanted nothing to do with him.

   I moved a few cities over, never seeing Justin once after that.

   It hurt for a while not being with my twin brother but I got used to it. Justin never called or texted or found me on any social media's and neither did I.

   It was like we were strangers.

   I was now seventeen and was living a normal happy teenage life with my amazing dad.

   "Dad! I'm going to the mall with Casie!" I called from my bedroom.

   "Okay!" He answered from downstairs. "Call me if you need anything honey!"

   I rushed down the stairs and said a small goodbye before leaving the house and getting into Casie's car.

   Halfway through the drive to the mall I got a call from a random number.

   I picked it up, seeing as it was unusual for a random number to call my phone.

   "Hello?" I asked.

   "Is this Y/N Foley?" The guy asked.

   "Who wants to know?" Casie looked at me confused and I told her to pull over for a minute.

   "Umm, I'm a friend of your brother Justin. My names Clay," the guy clarified.

   "Uh okay? Can I help you?"

   "Have you seen him recently?"

   "No why?" Now I was kinda worried.

   "He's been missing for five months. My friend Tony and I were wondering if you could maybe help us find him because we need him to testify in court for our friend Hannah."

   That was a lot for me to process.

   "He's missing?"

   "Yeah..."Clay trailed off.

   "Alright umm text me your address I guess and I'll be there in an hour," I said before hanging up the phone. I turned to Casie, "change of plans. We're going to look for my brother."

   Clay texted me his address and Casie and I drove an hour to his house.


   Casie parked at the roadside of Clays house and we got out of the car.

   Two guys wee who were sitting on the porch quickly stood up and walked over to us, "wow you look a lot like Justin," one of the guys said surprised. "I'm Clay and this is Tony."

   "Well we are twins," I responded to his previous statement. Justin and I got that comment a lot when we were little, we weren't identical twins obviously but we definitely looked a lot alike. "This is my friend Casie," I introduced them. Casie smiled and said hi.

   "Alright, we really need to get looking," Tony spoke up, ushering is to his car.

   "So who's Hannah and why does my brother need to testify?"

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