I need advice

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This has nothing to do with 13rw but I know some of you guys would be willing to help me out.

So recently I've been feeling really down and just not myself at all. I cry a lot and I'm just not as happy as I used to be a couple of months ago.

My mom has noticed because I've cried in front of her a lot but today was terrible. I think I cried in front of her about 6 times today and now she's really concerned because the last crying episode today turned into a full blown yelling/sobbing fest literally over my homework and whether or not I'd be able to make her a birthday cake.

I took about an hour to cool down and went to apologize and the first thing that came out of my moms mouth was "I'm going to make you a doctors appointment because I don't think therapy is helping you anymore"

I really don't want to go to the doctor because I don't want to have them tell me that I have something other than my already diagnosed anxiety.

I want to tell my mom that I want to figure it out on my own first but I don't know if she'll let me because she gave me this whole speech about how she does everything around the house for me so I can just relax and focus on school and yet to her I never seem happy and how today was too much for her to handle.

She literally asked me straight up "does anything make you happy anymore?"

Can someone give me advice cause I don't want to go to the doctor but I don't know if I can fix this myself.

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