Justin (Imagine)

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   I've never been the kind of person to have a group of friends. Ever since I started high school I was always the girl who just hung out alone. Not purposely, people just didn't want to hangout with me.

   I don't really mind though, it keeps me away from the drama and rumours that seem to flow around every high school.

Although for some reason, God has it out for me today because Justin Foley of all people, decided to sit with me at lunch.

Justin had vanished from town for a while, but it didn't take long for news to spread that he had been and still was hiding out at Clay's house.

But things got even more interesting his first day back at Liberty.

   I was sitting in my usual spot in the cafeteria: a small table in the corner, my lunch bag in front of me, drinking some iced coffee as I finished the last few pages of my book.

   Suddenly from the corner of my eye, I could see people's heads turning to look across the room. They all began to whisper amongst each other, so I put my book down to see what was going on. There stood Justin Foley.

   He looked like he hadn't seen sunlight in ages, and hadn't used a washing machine in ages either because his clothes didn't look the cleanest.

   He had his hood up with his backpack slung around his right shoulder, keeping his eyes locked with Jessica.

   She said a few words to him before bolting out of the cafe. Justin stared at the floor sadly.

   I felt bad for him, he seemed like an ok guy, but he could never catch a break I guess.

   I turned my attention back to my book, smiling as I did so because I could finally finish it.

   I flipped to the next page when I could sorta see someone sit down beside me.

   I sighed closing my book, getting ready to stand up and leave, when I noticed who sat beside me. Justin.

   I rose my eyebrow at him when he looked at me like this wasn't unusual.

   "Hi." He spoke quietly.


   "Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked.

   I shook my head, letting out a small laugh, "you've already made yourself comfortable so it's fine," I told him.

   A small smile was pulling at his lips, "the cafeteria seats are not comfortable," he stated.

   At this point people's attention turned to us for a couple seconds, as it was weird to see someone like Justin talking to someone like me. After a couple seconds they began going back to their normal conversations with their friends.

   "Touché," I responded. I picked my book back up, opening to the page I had left off at. I was interrupted once more by Justin asking what I was reading, "some book I found in the library yesterday. Not the greatest but I've read worse." He nodded at my response and then pulled a small coin pouch out of his bag. He opened it and when he realized nothing was in it, he mumbled a curse word under his breath and stuffed the pouch back in his bag.

   "I was just about to go to Monets. Do you want to come?" I asked kindly, taking him by surprise, and more so taking me by surprise with the amount of confidence that just came out of me. "I could buy you something to eat?" I suggested.

   I saw a glimmer light up his eyes, "really? You don't have to," he said.

   I shook my head and started packing my things into my backpack, "come on. I don't mind. My names Y/N by the way."

   He smiled lightly at me, and I smiled back in return. We left the cafeteria and walked over to my car.

Monets ended up being closed due to some management issues, "hmm well there's not a lot of other small cafes around," I mumbled, trying to think of somewhere else to go that wasn't fast food. "I have food at my house if you're ok with going there?" Where is all this confidence coming from? I'm not normally one to invite people over.

"Sure," Justin chirped. We got back in my car and I drove to my house.

Justin was shocked when I pulled into the driveway of a semi big house, "I'm am an only child to a neurosurgeon and a lawyer..." I trailed off knowing he was going to ask something along the lines of how my house is so big.

"Explains why you're seventeen and have a decent car," Justin chuckled.

He followed me into my house and over to my kitchen, "have at it," I told him throwing my arms open, gesturing for him to find food. "Obviously fridge and freezer food is in the fridge and freezer. Cookies and snack food are in those cupboards," I tell him pointing to the right side of the kitchen.

Justin starts going through the freezer, pulling out a microwaveable meal as I sat down on a stool by the counter. He puts the frozen meal in the microwave and leans against one of the counters across from me.


   Justin and I spent most of the day at my house just hanging out and getting to know each other.

   It was now seven o'clock and we were sitting on my couch watching Legally Blonde, "so how come you never hangout with anyone at school?" Justin suddenly asks.

   I turn my attention away from the tv, "I don't know. People just don't seem to want to hangout with me, probably because I'm quiet. It keeps me away from drama though so I don't really mind."

"I don't think I've ever heard a girl say that she likes being out of drama," he snickered, making me let out a laugh too. Suddenly, he stood up from the couch and walked over to the other side where I was sitting and sat next to me.

He threw a blanket over the both of us and smiled, "I wish I had talked to you earlier, Y/N. You're different, I like that," he whispered, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I think I'm starting to like you but I've only just talked to you today."

I looked down at my lap and blushed, "I think I'm starting to like you too, Foley," I admitted.

"Can we keep hanging out like this?" He asked, staring deeply into my eyes with so much hope in his.

I grinned softly and nodded, "I'd like that." Justin grinned back and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we turned out attention back to the movie.

I've honestly had no motivation to write anything for the past three days because of stupid stuff going on between my friend and I...but I swear imma start updating way often

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