Zach Pt.2 (Imagine)

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Zach had taken me to his house immediately after I packed some clothes.

He told his parents the situation I was in the minute we got in and they understood.

His mom told us that she would have dinner made for us once we got back from the police station.

Zach drove us there and he held my hand the entire way, "you're going to be fine okay?" He said at a stop light. I wanted to believe him, but I just felt like I would never be able to get away from my dad. "You have me, and now you have my parents. We're all going to be here for you, okay?"

"O-okay," I stuttered out.

   He parked the car in the parking lot of the station and we both got out of the car. Zach grabbed my and smiled at me reassuringly.

   (Idk how reposting abuse works so like let's just pretend this is how it goes)

   I walked up the desk with an officer behind it. He looked up at me, his eyes scanning across the bruises on my face, "can I help you miss?" He asked.

   Umm—," My breathing caught in my throat. Zach noticed me freeze so he wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered soothing and encouraging words in my ear. I took a deep breath before speaking up again, "I—I want to repost my father for domestic violence towards me."

   "What's your name hun?" The officer asked.

   "Y/F/N," I told him.

   "Alright Miss. Y/L/N, follow me and we will have you file a report and statement okay? You can call me Officer Walen."

   I nodded and followed Officer Walen to one of the interrogation rooms.

   Soon after another officer came in and Officer Walen left.

   "Hi Y/N," she said. "You can call me Officer Julie." He pulled a recorder and pressed the start button. "Now all I want you to do for me hun is explain what's been going on okay?"

   I told her the story and soon after she handed me a form to sign stating that what I told her was all true and that I wanted my father arrested. (One of my family members is a cop you would think I know a bit of how this works but no lmao)

   Officer Julie then told me I could go back home after I told her I was staying with my friend Zach who was waiting outside the room.

"How'd it go?" Zach asked as I walked out of the interrogation room.

"Good I guess," I said quietly.

We walked in silence back to his car and he drove us back to his house.

Midway through the drive I reached my left hand over to hold Zach's right hand.

When he felt our hands come in contact he looked over at me and smiled lightly.

   We got back to Zach's house and ate dinner, the time now being almost nine o'clock.

   We were sitting on the couch watching some random movie Zach's sister put on Netflix.

   I yawned tiredly, leaning my head against the arm of the couch, "you want to go set up your bed?" Zach asked.

   I nodded and followed Zach down the hallway to get the blowup mattress.

   "So you can either sleep in the living, the guest room, or we can set it up in my room if you don't want to sleep alone?" He suggested.

   "Could we set it up in your room?" I asked quietly fidgeting with my fingers.

   He nodded and brought the blowup mattress upstairs to his room.

   For a teenage boy his room was surprisingly clean. Although it was definitely the way I would imagine Zach Dempsey's room to look.

   The walls were a dark blue with baseball and sports car posters hung up along them. There were big windows that definitely would let a lot of light in during the day, and his bed was nicely made in the centre if the room.

   Zach placed the mattress on the ground and blew it up until it was full of air.

   He put a few blankets and pillows on as well, "there you go. I hope that's ok."

   I smiled at him kindly, "it's perfect thank you."

   "You've had a long day, do you want to go to bed now?" He asked.

   "Yeah sure."

   I grabbed some pyjamas and changed in his washroom then got my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

   Zach has gotten changed as well and then turned the lights out and we both got into our beds, "goodnight, Y/N."

   "Goodnight, Zach."


   Two hours had gone by and I couldn't fall asleep. I was tired as hell but my mind wouldn't let me sleep.

   I quietly got up without waking Zach and went to the washroom to get a drink of water.

I took a drink of water from the sink and I felt myself starting to hyperventilate. This happened most nights at home, mostly because of the things my dad was doing to me. Tears started welling in my eyes so I took another drink of water to try and calm down but it didn't help much.

   I turned out the washroom light afterwards and walked back to my bed.

   "Can't sleep?" I heard Zach mumbled tiredly.

   "No not really," I whispered back.

   He sat up in his bed and moved over making more room before patting the spot next to him, "come here."

   My eyes widened a little, "a-are you sure?"

   He nodded and chuckled slightly, "yes now come here." He replied. I walked over and gently got into his bed. We both lied down facing each other.

Zach wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, close enough for me to snuggled my face into his chest.

He rubbed my back gently, trying to get me to calm down after seeing the tears on my face, "are you feeling a little better?" He asked.

"Mhmm." I mumbled. "Thank you so much, Zach. For everything," I said looking up at him.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and responded, "like I said before, you don't need to thank me. I just want you to feel safe, so I'm always gonna be here when you need me now okay?"

   I smiled at him and snuggled my face back into his chest, "goodnight, Zach."

   I felt his arms tighten around me, pulling me closer if that was even possible and resting his chin on top of my head, "goodnight, Y/N."

The new Mamma Mia movie is fan-freaking-tastic!!!!!!!!


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