Monty (Imagine)

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Monty finds you watching 50 Shades Of Grey, but you told him you were busy studying.

So, I told Monty, my boyfriend of one year, that I was busy studying...but really I'm watching 50 Shades of Grey.

I was twenty minutes in when I heard my front door open, thinking it was just my sister coming home from work, my focus remained on the movie.

"Hey babe," my door was opened revealing Monty. I quickly turned off my tv and threw the controller onto my chair, "heyyyy." I smiled innocently.

"Why'd you turn the tv off?" He asked smirking a little bit, "nothing the show I was watching ended..."

"Mhmm, I thought you were studying," he said, a little cockiness coming through. He grabs the controller, before I had the chance to take it back, he turns on the tv.

Of course it had to have been stopped when Christian showed Ana the playroom.

"So this is what your were doing," he laughs, "you lied so you could watch 50 Shades of Grey," he kept laughing.

"I just didn't wanna watch it with you in the room, I thought it would be kinda weird," I mumbled embarrassed.

"Why, cause you didn't want to be in the same room as me as a naked girl was being whipped with a belt for sexual pleasure?"

I hid my face in my pillow, I could here him laughing behind me until he pulled me onto him. I sat on his lap on my bed.

"I'm fucking with you baby, I've seen it before." I looked up at him, a small sheepish grin grew on his face.

"You have?!" I chuckled, he glared at me, "I wanted to see what it was about. Don't worry babe, I'm not into that kind of thing." He kissed the top of my forehead.

"Good cause I'm not into it either, so wanna watch the rest with me then?"


The movie finished and the credits began to come on.

"You sure you don't want me to try some of that stuff on you?" Monty joked. I punched his arm scolding him. "I'll take that as a no." He laughed once again, then kissed me.

I hoped you liked this, I tried.

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