Scott (Requested Imagine)

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Requested by: cutelittlesnowflake

It was Friday morning and I had just finished getting ready for school.

I had about twenty minutes to kill before I needed to leave so I sat at my kitchen table eating my toast and bacon.

I scrolled through my phone and suddenly I heard my front door open and someone walk in. It was no surprise that it was my neighbour Scott, as he did this almost every morning.

"Morning, Y/N," he chirped as he took a piece of bacon off my plate and ate it.

"Yeah just help yourself, jerk." I rolled my eyes playfully and laughed.

Scott sat in the seat next to me taking another piece if bacon, "so," he said as he took a bite. "Do you want a drive to school again?"

I nodded and smiled, "yes please! You're the best!"

"Okay, then let's leave now cause I wanna stop at Monet's for some coffee."

We both stood up and walked to my front door. I slipped my shoes on and Scott grabbed my backpack for me and we headed out to the car.

I rolled the window of the passenger seat down and let the warm sun hit my face as Scott drove down my street.

Scott has been my neighbour for almost thirteen years now and we've been best friends for the basically the same amount of time.

I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, and to be honest I don't have a lot now either, but Scott's always been there for me. Despite the fact that I'm pretty shy and awkward around people, I'm comfortable around Scott and he knows that. He usually comes with me to social events too because he knows I don't like going alone when there's a lot of people.

   We get to Monet's and order our drinks just as Bryce Walker and Zach Dempsey walk in.

   "Yo, Scotty boy!" Bryce yelled to get Scott's attention.

   Scott turned around and smiled, "hey guys, what's going on?"

   Zach answered, "nothing we just decided to get coffee before school too."

   "You coming to my party tonight?" Bryce asked nodding at Scott. "Starts at 10 once my parents leave," he stated.

   "Yeah definitely I'm coming," Scott replied.

   Bryce turned to me, "what about you?"

   My eyes widened, "what about me?" I questioned confused.

   Bryce chuckled with a small smirk, "I mean," he started. "You in for my party tonight?"

   I looked over at Scott for help but he just shrugged. "Um—yeah, sure," I said.


   Scott and I grabbed our drinks and headed back to his car.

********Scotts POV*********

    It was the last class of the day and I had gym class with Bryce, Monty, and Zach.

   Coach had us running laps outside to warm up and I realized I had left my water bottle the locker room.

   I sprinted inside the school and to the locker room but stopped just outside the door when I heard Bryce and Monty talking from inside.

   I heard Monty chuckled and then say, "I'm surprised she actually agreed to going."

   "Well I'm definitely not complaining, I've been waiting to hit that for months now," Bryce replied.

   I kept listening to see who they were talking about.

   "Trust me I know. She's a nerd but damn does Y/N ever have a hot body, fuck," Monty groaned.

   My blood boiled. There was no way I was going to let this happen.


Unfortunately my plan to stop Y/N from going to the party didn't know work. She wasn't answering my calls or texts because she was working from five to ten and I had baseball practice after school so I couldn't call earlier.

I was now at Bryce's party, hoping to god that Y/N wasn't here yet. It was ten thirty and she still wasn't answering her texts which worried me.

I found Zach in the kitchen and asked him if he'd seen Y/N around.

"Yeah, I saw her about five ten minutes ago talking to Bryce," Zach said.

My eyes widened, "fuck! No!"

   "What?" Zach asked worried. "What's wrong?"

   "I heard Bryce talking today about how he was gonna try to have sex with Y/N. That's why he invited her," I explained.

   Zach begins to look panicked and his eyes search around the room, "shit we have to find her."

Zach and I checked all over the house but we couldn't find any sign of Bryce or Y/N.

Suddenly I realized, "the guest house!" I sprinted to the backyard and over to the guest house front door.

I barged in, Zach following right behind. There on the couch lay Y/N, shirtless and crying as she tried to push a shirtless Bryce off from on top of her. He kept on kissing her lips and down her neck and Y/N cried more,

Zach grabbed Bryce and pulled him off of Y/N as I ran over by her side. She cried into her hands, resting her elbows on her knees. I gently placed my hand on her back and she flinched.

"Hey," I said, making her look up at me. "You're safe now okay? Bryce isn't going to touch you again."

******YN POV*******

"You're safe now okay? Bryce isn't going to touch you again," Scott assured me softly.

   Scott suddenly turns his attention to Bryce who's being held by Zach. Scott stands up and just as he gets directly in front of Bryce he punches him square in the jaw.

   He sent more and more blows to Bryce's face until Bryce was covered in blood. I was too scared to move or tell Scott to just stop.

    "If you ever, do so much as even look at Y/N again, I will do more than just make your face bleed," Scott threatened Bryce with a growl.

   Zach let go of Bryce and he dropped to the ground and passed out.

   Scott walked back over to me and helped me stand up and we walked to his car.

Once I was in his car I broke down again. Scott grabbed my hand comfortingly, "it's okay, Y/N. It's all over now, I won't let him near you," Scott said.

"Thank you," I whispered. "Can you take me home?"

"Are your parents back from their trip yet?" He asked me seriously.

I shook my head.

"Why don't you stay at my house for tonight?" Scott suggested as he started his car. "You can take my bed and I'll sleep on the floor or on the couch. Whatever makes you more comfortable.

I just nodded, not in the mood to talk. Scott gave me a sympathetic smile and then we drove back to his house.

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