His Favourite Thing About You (Preference)

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Monty's favourite thing about you is how you scrunch your nose up when you get confused or when you're mad. He likes when you get upset because your scrunch up your nose and he can't take you seriously which gets you even more upset. He also says things to confuse you too so you scrunch your nose up.

He loves how kind you are to everyone and anyone. You can meet someone new and instantly be incredibly friendly. Even when the person is a little rude towards you, you try to be as nice as you can, which sometimes aggravates him because if someone was rude to him he would rather just start a fight with them.

He likes that you don't hold a grudge easily. You're always forgiving and you don't stay mad at anyone for long periods of time. You just don't give out second chances as easily.

He likes your laugh. You never really like your laugh but Jeff said he thought it was adorable. You'd always cover your face when you laugh and Jeff loved that.

Zach likes how motivated you are. Whether is with trying to work out or with a school project, you always give it your all because you know if you don't you won't achieve the goal you want.

He like your sarcasm, he's the only person that can keep up with how sassy you are and how much attitude you have. He likes like that you can use your attitude to stand up for yourself, even though he's always there to back you up when someone try's to start a fight with you.

She likes your wild imagination. You never think that you are dreaming too big, you just go for it because you live for the thrill of things and the feeling of adventure. She loves how you just feel free all the time.

He loves your confidence. You never shy away from things and you speak your mind whether you think people will agree with you or not. You put yourself out there and show people who you really are.

I know I forgot Clay, I'm too lazy to add him now, sorry.
The wifi where I'm at is so shitty, but I'm still trying to update, I don't have a lot of time cause I'm usually doing other things but I'll try to update 1 or 2 more things.

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