Monty (Requested Imagine)

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         Requested by: Writer_Reader05

   "So, how are things with you and Montgomery?" Alex asked passing me the bowl of chips.

I sighed, "the same as things were last week and the week before." I took at handful of chips and put them on my lap. "I don't understand this movie, it's so cliché. Like 'I really wanna be with you but we have to make sure we keep it hidden from your brother slash my best friend' like get over yourself."

Alex laughed, "okay I think that's it for movie night with you for today," he said as he switched his tv off. "You've been no fun ever done your quote in quote break up with Monty."

I glared at Alex, "oh shut up, Standall. It is a break up. We had an argument, I told him I hated him and he said the same and then we went out separate ways," I explained for what felt like the hundredth time.

"You call it a break up I call it a break," he told me. "So it's settled, you're on a break." He chuckled at me.

"Breaks don't last three weeks. Break ups do."

Alex rolled his eyes, "whatever you say, Y/N."

I rolled my eyes back and then sat up from his bed checking the time. "It's almost midnight, I need to go home, my parents are probably wondering where I am."

"Alright, Y/N. I'll see you Monday," Alex said before I stood up and began walking downstairs.

I got outside to my car and quickly got in before I froze to death in the cold winter air.

I let my car warm up for a couple of minutes before I started to drive down the street.

I drove down a main road that wasn't busy this time of night. I was going the speed limit, maybe ten kilometres over but not more than that.

Suddenly, my car slid on black ice and spun out of control. I collided head on with the metal post on the edge of the road going 80 kilometres an hour.

Thankfully, there was a car who was in the on coming lane who saw my car slide. I was too weak to move but in my side mirror I could see them pull over and get out of their car.

They rushed over to me and opened my door.

"I can't move my neck," I choked out.

The woman looked at me frantically, "I'm going to call for an ambulance," she told me. "Just don't try and move anything alright?"

I must've looked pretty bad because she seemed really worried. I felt blood trickle down my face, probably from when my head hit the side of the window.

I could hear the lady on the phone with the police but her voice became distant and I noticed my vision become dark and blurry.

All of a sudden everything went black.


I woke up, instantly remembering what had happened to me and where I was.

I let my eyes adjust to the light of the hospital room before opening them completely.

When I could finally open them I looked around the room and noticed Monty sitting on the chair beside my bed. He was sleeping and his face was puffy and red like he had been crying previously.

"Monty," I whispered. "Monty!"

His eyes immediately opened, "oh my god, Y/N! You're awake, oh thank god!" He stood up quickly and rushed to my side, grabbing ahold of my hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

   "Well I guess you still had me as your emergency contact in your phone so when you got brought here they called me," he explained.

   "How long have I been here?" I asked

   "About three hours."

   I looked at the time seeing that it was four in the morning, meaning Monty has been here since one.

   "Shit, I'm sorry," I told him. "You didn't have to come, I know you were probably sleeping and after our fight I don't want you to feel like your need to be here for me."

   He shook his head sadly, "I don't care about our stupid fight, Y/N," he said. "When the doctor called me and said you were in a car accident my heart dropped. The thought of losing you was after I told you I hated you killed me." Tears began pouring down his face as he squeezed my hand tighter.

I scooted over in the bed and patted the empty space for Monty to lay next to me.

There was just enough room for both of us to fit. Monty rested his head on my chest and gently wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you so much," he whispered.

"I love you too. And it's okay, I'm sorry too," I replied, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"I don't know what I would've done if I had have lost you." You could hear in his voice that he was still crying.

"Hey, I'm okay and that's all the matters now okay."

"Does this mean that we're back together?" He asked hopeful.

I chuckled lightly, "yeah. It does."

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