Justin Foley (Requested Imagine)

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       Requested by: niallforever15

   "Yo Faith!" Justin called behind me, I turned around and sent him a small smile. "Jessica and I are goin to Bryce's party tonight, are you coming?" He asked.

   I nodded grabbing my math textbook from my locker, "Yeah, Alex can't come though he's gotta work." I said. Alex is my boyfriend of six months, and Justin over here has been by best friend for almost ten years now.

  "Alright, you need a ride then?"

  "Yeah actually, if you wouldn't mind."

  "Yeah no worries Faith. I'll be at your house around 9 ish," He said and walked down the hall. I shut my locker door and made my way out of the school and down the street.


Five hours into the party and it's now one in the morning. Two things I've learned from being at here is that my boyfriend is a cheating prick and Jessica is a bitch. "How so?" You might ask.

Well turns out he was at the party making out with Jessica in a spare bedroom. I'm not too bummed though because I had a suspicion that Alex was cheating.

It took me a good fifteen minutes to find Justin to tell him I wanted to go home he asked why, "Alex is cheating on me with your girlfriend." I giggled from the amount of alcohol running through my body.

Justin angrily shook his head, chugged the rest of his beer, grabbed my arm and dragged me to Bryce's guest house in his backyard.

Bryce keeps the guest house locked during parties but since Justin's here twenty four seven he knows where the spare key is.

I walked in and looked around confused "this isn't my house," I stated.

"I know." Justin closed the door behind him, locking it before he gently pushed me against the wall.

"What are you do..." before I could finish my sentence Justin's lips were attached to mine. He pulled away for a second and I gasped, "is it bad that I want you to do that again?"

Justin smiled and lifted me up, placing me down on the couch across the room. He hovered over me and all I could see was his faint silhouette, "do you want to do this?" He asked eagerly.



"Fuck!" I hissed as the sun entered my eyes. I rubbed them gently and soon I was able to see clearly. I looked to my left and saw Justin laying there. What happened last night? Why are the both of us naked? Did I cheat on Alex?

That's when everything came back. Alex cheating, Jessica cheating, Justin and I. Justin woke up a few minutes later and it seemed everything began catching up with him too.

"Did we...?" He dragged on. I nodded quietly, and he stayed quiet too.


A month and a half went by and Justin and I we're now dating. But there is one problem...I'm pregnant.

I stared quietly down at the positive test in my hands. My best friend Cheri who is basically my sister, rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

"Hey, Faith look at me," she said, and I did. "You have to tell Justin."

"But what if he doesn't want it?"

"Then it's his loss hun. Whatever happens I'll be by your side no matter what."

I nodded, still shocked, "I'm gonna go see him." I told Cheri. I grabbed my coat and went to my car driving to Justin's apartment.

When I got to his door I heard a lot of yelling so I opened it. I walked to the hallway outside of his bedroom and saw Seth holding Justin against the wall with a firm grip on his neck.

  "Why are you just standing there?!" I yelled at him Mum. I ran up to Justin's step dad and tried to pry him off of Justin. It only made things worse because Seth let go of Justin who was now gasping for air and launched himself at me and began hitting me and kicking me as I lay there on the floor.

   "Don't fucking touch her!" Justin yelled pulling Seth off of me. He grabbed me and helped me out of the apartment and down the hall.

  "Justin- Justin I can't- I'm gonna..."


Beep Beep Beep Beep

"What the hell..." I groaned holding me head. I looked around the room noticing a bunch of machines around me. I tried to move but a sharp pain surged through my arm. I looked down and saw an IV, "am I in the hospital?"

"Faith!" Justin bolted through the door, "You're awake!"

He looked tired, he had definitely been crying because his eyes were all red and puffy. He gently wrapped his arms around me, kissing me forehead.

"How are you feeling?" He asked worried.

"I'm okay I think," I responded, then I remembered, "is the baby okay!?" I asked panicked but then I realized I never told Justin, "oh shit."

Justin moved a piece of hair away from my face and smiled softly, "it's perfectly fine. The doctor said that if you hadn't of been in a crouched position with your arms protecting your stomach it probably wouldn't of lived." 

  "Oh thank god," I breathed out. I looked up at Justin and saw his eyes were starting to water, "hey, baby it's okay. I'm okay, you're okay, and most importantly our baby is okay."

I kissed his lips softly, pulling him down to lay next to me, "I'm gonna be a dad!" He smiled proudly.

"Yes you certainly are." I chuckled, "and an amazing one at that."

  He planted a kiss on my temple, " I love you so much princess."

  "I love you too monkey."

**********(this part is just something small I thought I'd add!)

I was completely and utterly drained of all energy in my body, but there was still a little spark left as Justin and I waited for our baby to be brought in by the nurse.

Finally after what felt like hours the nurse finally brought out little bundle of joy in.

Justin sat next to me and we both smiled down into my arms, amazed at what we had created.

"Welcome to the world Y/B/N (your baby's name)." I cooed softly.

I hope this was alright!

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