Justin (Imgine)

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This is like wayyyyy into the future so you and Justin aren't together, you both are married and have kids but you run into each other at the grocery store.

"Merrick can you please go find your father? I think he went to the frozen section," I tell my fourteen year old son, he nods running off to find his dad.

I push the cart along to various aisles until I find the right one. I stop and look around for what I need but I realized it was on the top shelf and I'm not tall enough to reach, "oh for god sakes," I muttered trying to reach.

"Here, let me help," I guy behind me says, he reaches up to grab the can and hands it to me.

"Thank you," I say, turning around to see who it was, "Justin?"

"Holy shit," he looks over at the cart I had noticing there was a little two year old girl probably trying to repeat the words he just said, "oh my god I'm sorry".

I laughed, "it's all right, she's probably heard it from me or my husband a few times now."

He nods, "what's her name?" He asks

"Valerie, she's two, and I have a fourteen year old son named Merrick, do you have any kids?"

"Yeah actually, her name is Lena, she's sixteen,"

I smiled, remembering how when we were in high school he was set on naming his daughter Lena, "well it was nice seeing you Justin, but I got to get going," I tell him. I turn my cart around and proceed on my way to find my son and husband.

"Wait, Y/N!" He called, I turned around and he walked up to me, "I wanted to say I'm sorry."

I sighed, "why now? After so many years?" I asked.

"Because yesterday I recognized your pain in my daughters eyes," he confessed, "and I didn't realize until now how much shit I really put you through."

I nodded softly, seeing my husband waiting for me out of the corner of my eye, "I'll see you around Justin." And with that, I turned around and walked over to my family.

This stupid benzoyl peroxide stuff I used for my acne made my face all red and patchy. So that's fantastic because this is the second time I've missed school because of it.

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