Justin (Imagine)

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Your brother Bryce decided to invite a few of the guys over for the night including you ex, Justin. In the middle of the night you comfort Justin after he has a nightmare.

"Y/N, Alex, Monty, Zach, and Justin are sleeping over tonight," my brother, Bryce calls from outside my bedroom door. "Does Justin have to come? That's gunna be so awkward." I groaned.

"You guys have been broken up for two months now get over it." I heard him walk away from my door and down the stairs. Justin and I had been dating for nine months before we broke up, we got into a petty argument about how he wasn't as committed to our relationship as I was.

He's been around the house after we broke up since Bryce is obviously still friends with him. I just stay in my room the majority of the time.

I walked out of my room and to the kitchen where Bryce was, "out of all the people you decided to invite you chose Justin as one of them," I protest.

Bryce rolls his eyes, "Y/N it's not that big of a deal, Justin doesn't care if he sees you around, why do you?"

"I don't know." I sighed, "I just feel like it's awkward now. I also kinda feel like he thinks I'm a bitch," I confessed.

He opens his arms to let me hug him, and I do, "why don't you just talk to him?" He asks placing his chin on the top of my head. "Because I feel like he's not going to listen, and I don't feel like making myself feel like shit by trying to explain my feelings."

"Please just try to talk to him, he does listen, pretty well actually. And if he says something to you that you don't like you come tell me okay." I nod and pull out of the hug, "thanks big brother, you're the best." I smiled.

He smiles back, "no problem loser." I chuckled but gave him the finger and proceeded back to my room.


The guys had gotten to my house at around nine pm, and it was now about two am and they were fast asleep. They had been in the guest house most of the time, but that didn't stop me from hearing them yelling about who was winning in the video game they were playing.

I was quite surprised that they hadn't drank any alcohol the entire time they were awake.

I heard the guest house door open and someone walk out. I peeked my head out to look out the window and I saw Justin sitting by the edge of the pool with his feet in the water.

He continued to sit there for what seemed like at least five minutes, that was when I decided to go see what's up.

I carefully walked down the stairs and to the back door. Justin's head snapped in my direction when he heard the door slide open. "Hello?" He said, "hey,
it's just me," I assured.

I walked over to him and noticed that he was shaking and little bit, and the pool lights showed that he was slightly covered in sweat, and his eyes red and puffy from what I assumed was from him crying.

I knew what happened. He had a nightmare. This had happened a lot when we dated, mostly all of them were about Seth, his moms asshole of a boyfriend.

"Are you alright?" I asked, he shook his head and tears started to fall from his eyes. I pulled him into a hug and he didn't refuse. He cried into my shoulder, "hey, hey Justin, look at me," I said softly.

He looked up at me, "it was just a dream, okay. Remember to breath, you're alright." He took my advice and started to breath at a steady pace but he was still shaking.

I took his hand and helped him up off the ground and led him inside and to my room.

Once we got there he sat quietly on my bed. His breathing was still okay but the shaking continued. It was usually like this for at least an hour before he fully calmed down. His nightmares were really bad.

I pulled him back up and gave him a hug, he didn't let go at all. I rubbed his back and then told him to lay down.

He did as I said and I lied down next to him. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked, "n-no," he replied.

I got up and was about to leave to go to the guest bedroom until he stopped me, "can you s-stay? Please." I nodded unsure at first but I got over it.

I lied back down and he held my hand, "feeling a little better? Do you want some water?"

He leaned his head against my shoulder, "I'm okay." There was a moment of silence until he spoke up, "it was about you," he mumbled.

"Your nightmare?" "Yeah."

Since my room light was on I could see tears forming in his eyes again, "it was after our fight. You had come to my house to try to talk to me but I wasn't there. Seth was, and he pulled you inside and he started beating you and-" at this point he was balling his eyes out.

He held me tightly to him and I lifted his head up so I could as his face. I wiped the tears from his face, "I'm sorry I wasn't a good boyfriend," he whispered.

I shook my head, "you were a good boyfriend, I'm sorry for saying you weren't," I apologized, "but let's not talk about this right now, I'm okay, it was all just a dream. You have to remember that."

He smiled at me and leaned in connecting our lips, "I love you so much Y/N, I really don't want to lose you. Will you be my girlfriend again?"

"I love you too Justin, of course I will. And don't worry, I'll always be here." I leaned in to kiss him again, missing that feeling.


"They totally fucked," I heard someone say, "dude can you not say that, I'm right here, that's my little sister," I heard Bryce gag.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, all the memories of last night flooding back in. I turned to see Justin fast asleep beside me. I turned back to look at the front of my room and saw the guys and my brother.

Monty, Zach, and Alex were all smirking at me, and Bryce was looking at me a little angry, "Y/N when I said talk to him I didn't mean sleep with him!" He muttered.

"We didn't have sex you idiots, we just talked and then fell asleep." I rolled me eyes, "but we are back together. Now will you please get the fuck out of my room? Thanks." I shooed them away.

I turned back to my sleeping boyfriend, smiled lightly at him and planted a small kiss on his forehead, laying back down beside him.

Damn I didn't plan that to be so long.

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