Zach (Imagine)

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You and Zach were asleep and you got your period and he noticed and you got embarrassed.

"What the fuck?" I heard Zach mumble beside me, I felt the sheets get lifted off of us but I stayed curled up.

"Y/N, baby, hey, wake up a sec." he shakes me until I'm fully awake, I sit up and look at him tiredly, "what time is it?"

"It's five twenty three, but that's not the point," he says softly, "I think you just got your period."

I look down at the sheets and realize that there's a small-ish sized blood covered spot. I look down onto my lap and see my underwear is stained too, "shit oh my god I'm so sorry," I apologize since it's his bedsheets that are now stained.

"Hey hey hey." He pulls me over to him, "it's alright baby, you couldn't of prevented it." He rubs my back, "it's just a little embarrassing," I mumbled into my hands.

He lifted my chin up with his hand so I was looking directly at him, "no it's not Y/N, it's a normal thing that you shouldn't be embarrassed about, I'm your boyfriend," he pauses, "are you alright? Do you feel okay?" He asks.

"I'm alright I can feel some cramps but it's not too bad yet, thanks Zach, I'm sorry again..." I kiss him, "it's alright baby, why don't I go run a warm bath for you and then I'll change the sheets," he suggests.

I smile sweetly and nod hopping of the bed, he goes to start the bath and I start pulling the pillows off the bed.

After a few minutes Zach comes back, "don't worry about that Y/N, I got it, you go change out of your clothes and get into the bath." He pulls me against his chest and kisses my forehead gently. He lightly pushes me towards the bathroom door and continues stripping the bed.


It was now five forty seven, I got out of the bath and dried myself off, I changed into some comfortable clothes and sat down on Zach's bed.

He had changed the sheets and put the others ones in the wash which might be no use. Zach was now fast asleep and I snuggled into his chest, "hey baby, you feelin a little better?" He sleepily mumbles.

I kissed his jawline softly, "yeah, thanks Zach." He pulls me closer to him and rests his left hand on my back, "no problem Y/N, anything for my baby." I let my eyes close and drifted off to sleep.

I'm on vacation right now so I wrote most of this on the way, I hope it's alright.

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